View Full Version : need help with design & placement.. new here

11-27-2012, 10:48 AM
hello to all.. this is my 1st post in this forum.. i heard of the idea of an algae scrubber on my goldfish forum..

i need help in figuring out which style of algae scrubber would work best and placement of it ...

the set up i am working on is a bottom drilled 55g FW goldfish tank with a DIY wet/dry trickle sump... due to the limited space under the stand, i can only fit a 10g tank for my sump.. i plan on setting up a mechanical tray and a bio media section in my sump... it has been suggested that i add an algae scrubber before my mechanical tray..

i am trying to keep all filtration hidden in the cabinet stand...

any suggestions...?

i am a visual person, so photos would be a great help...

11-27-2012, 11:59 AM
If you have sand/gravel in the tank, and not too many fish, you probably won't need bio/trickle if you have a scrubber.

But anyway, due to space, an upflow is probably best... see examples here...

11-27-2012, 12:25 PM
If you have sand/gravel in the tank, and not too many fish, you probably won't need bio/trickle if you have a scrubber.

But anyway, due to space, an upflow is probably best... see examples here...

there will be 3-4 fancy goldfish, a BN pleco, and maybe a couple of cory cats..
i will look thur the UAS section..
thank you

11-27-2012, 05:01 PM
i am having trouble trying to figure out how big my screen should be.

currently, there will be the fish listed in post #3.. but i may or may not add more goldfish later after the tank has been up and running..

by my calculations, by how much i feed, i will either need 12 to 15 square inches of screen lit on both sides..

i do not know the flow rate yet...

11-27-2012, 06:37 PM
If upflow, you don't need to figure water flow rate.