11-28-2012, 06:38 PM
i just built my first scrubber.. its going on my 170 gallon system.. i have a 120 gallon tank for display, also have a 40b display plumbed to my bedroom.. with two 30 gallons as my sump...
its still new, and has been changed contsantly.. started off as a 125 on the far wall of my living room.. well.. it cracked spilled salt water everywhere... then had another 125 and hated the overflow.. then i got this 120.. so the stuff has been moved 4 or 5 time since feb.. once i had a little stability i went and changed it from a 120 with 30 gallon sump to w7 bhat i have now,.
so its young, i used pukani rock, and i have phos issues.. just added more fish and new tanks.. so my nitrates went back up... phos hangs around since the befinning at around .06 to .09..
anyway i built a scrubber with a rubbermaid, two cfl 23 watts, big reflectors, 8 by 8 screen, mag 7 with 3/4 inch pipe feeding, and 1 1/2 pipe returning.. i have 255 gph on 8 inch span.. my first upgrade will be within the next two months to leds.. 4 reds and on blue on each side... more controllability with this method and i will not worry about having enough,..
before the start my tank used around 1dkh a day worth of alk, 7 ppm of calcium, and not real sure the uptake of mag as i dont dose often.. but it stay kinda high.. 1500
levels are 9.2, 410, 1500.. raising calc at the moment.. i want my levels to be 9.5, 440, 1360
here is the build
35693570357135713572357335743575357635773578357935 8035813582
its still new, and has been changed contsantly.. started off as a 125 on the far wall of my living room.. well.. it cracked spilled salt water everywhere... then had another 125 and hated the overflow.. then i got this 120.. so the stuff has been moved 4 or 5 time since feb.. once i had a little stability i went and changed it from a 120 with 30 gallon sump to w7 bhat i have now,.
so its young, i used pukani rock, and i have phos issues.. just added more fish and new tanks.. so my nitrates went back up... phos hangs around since the befinning at around .06 to .09..
anyway i built a scrubber with a rubbermaid, two cfl 23 watts, big reflectors, 8 by 8 screen, mag 7 with 3/4 inch pipe feeding, and 1 1/2 pipe returning.. i have 255 gph on 8 inch span.. my first upgrade will be within the next two months to leds.. 4 reds and on blue on each side... more controllability with this method and i will not worry about having enough,..
before the start my tank used around 1dkh a day worth of alk, 7 ppm of calcium, and not real sure the uptake of mag as i dont dose often.. but it stay kinda high.. 1500
levels are 9.2, 410, 1500.. raising calc at the moment.. i want my levels to be 9.5, 440, 1360
here is the build
35693570357135713572357335743575357635773578357935 8035813582