View Full Version : Alum's nuisance algae problem in Indodesia
I always probelm with algae on my tank never stop even i always scrubb my scrubber everytime it's always come again and again,
I never feed fish and never add anything into my tank but why this algae always come and come again whenever I uninstalled my ATS cause I have plann change to UAS, the algae come into LR and on the glass because none scubber installed.. confuse and tired with this problem!
btw my tank on outside house the sunlight come trough it.. might be because of this ??
everyone, I need some advice..
You can have more advice if will make thread for that and provide all possible information.
what kind of possible information I need to provide ??
I have 2 meters x 45cm x 50cm (dont know how many gallons) and I have 2 little fishes and a view mushrooms only in my tank.
and sump abaut 100cm x 40cm x 40cm and ATS running, I always harvest many on ATS, if I uninstall ATS it will be grow in LR and glass tank.
Question is, where does the phospats come ? while I seldom feed and add anything into my tank ???
check NO=5-10. PO4=0.
confuse.. becoming tiring :(
11-29-2012, 01:41 PM
Show picture of scrubber when you clean.
11-29-2012, 05:52 PM
Don't know if SM saw the tank is outside. Scrubber might not be able to compete with sunlight. Same problem with ponds.
11-30-2012, 03:14 AM
I never feed fish and never add anything into my tank
Not sure I understand how this is possible
12-05-2012, 09:59 PM
A tank that big with just some mushrooms and 2 small fish could go a LONG time without food, especially if there where a lot of nutrients in the tank to start with.
12-06-2012, 02:37 AM
Then where from all that nutrients are in your tank ?
Just curious
Show picture of scrubber when you clean.
Here sir!
I really not sure where the nutrient come from ?
I seldom feed food (if I remember I feed it) but rarely cause I dont want to make it worse.
I've been thinking probably from two part dossing that I add every week (nahco3+cacl2) but then again I check from them PO=almost 0.
I am very neat to add anything into my tanks, must pass from the test before
But every 2 week I always harvest from the scruber nets and has a lot algaes..
and must clean it whole tank from hair algaes on glass tank.
You said probably from LR but this hapend almost 6 month maybe year (I forgot) and these never gone!
dendritus everywhere even I use 2 filter matt , 1 in refug chamber and other in tank scubbers but dendritus almost everywhere..
confusing!! :confused::confused::confused: even I use double scrubber (ATS+UAS) also.
Tank now is dying :( only mushrooms and hair algaes on LR and a few on glass tank.
need some advice here, thank u very2 much to reply guys!
Oh this tank started in middle 2010.
I change new net fom ATS cause it's too dirty to clean it and try experience with red n blue led.
Look at these how much algaes from I get abaut a month! *sigh* (from UAS)
12-11-2012, 05:32 PM
Do the UAS and ATS have LEDs on both sides?
What are the LEDs?
What do you add for evaporation?
Do the UAS and ATS have LEDs on both sides?
What are the LEDs?
What do you add for evaporation?
Only 1 side cause this is still experiment from light that I used before (25watt/florences)
I guessed the result it will the same..
In UAS 3x1watt 3200k (warm)
2x3watt 660nm (red)
1 side.
In ATS back again to bulb light (25watt/florences) cause I've got the result this is always harvest the best than using leds.
1 side.
add RO for evaporating, test tds=4.
I will show you when I harvest again from UAS next time, cause seem now it's begin growing again..
I suspect there are nosy people who pour something into my tank but they are always lying! hehe
but this is another story cause I want to check everything is ok first from my treat, then I will ask another why this is always happend and why..
12-12-2012, 12:55 PM
First problems to fix:
1-sided is always weak. Should be 2-sided.
The UAS screen is big enough for 24 LED watts. You have only 6 watts. THe white LEDs are not helping.
Need to fill evaporation with RODI or distilled, not RO. The TDS=4 is probably nitrate or phosphate.
Do this:
Vacuum (siphon) waste/detritus out of tank.
Put 12 watts of LED 660nm on each side of the UAS. Remove the white LED.
Use distilled, or RODI, for evaporation.
Put a shade cloth over the display to block some of the sun.
Here more pics :
Algaes grow in LR and very hard to clean-up :
some part of LR I move them into refug tank, hoping all algaes melting.. :
after clean-up tank I have these :
Dying young! change 30% with NSW
First problems to fix:
1-sided is always weak. Should be 2-sided.
The UAS screen is big enough for 24 LED watts. You have only 6 watts. THe white LEDs are not helping.
Need to fill evaporation with RODI or distilled, not RO. The TDS=4 is probably nitrate or phosphate.
Do this:
Vacuum (siphon) waste/detritus out of tank.
Put 12 watts of LED 660nm on each side of the UAS. Remove the white LED.
Use distilled, or RODI, for evaporation.
Put a shade cloth over the display to block some of the sun.
Ok I will try to do that beside tank is not start yet! (empty)
I just add baktery starter for first start!
I can not put led on both side for UAS cause the other side is part refug tank (the same tank but different chamber)
look at this pic :
from top:
It seem algae grows in the middle with warm white 3200k I dont know why in red spot there is only a few.
anyway I still make experiment with the led maybe later I will fix it and permanently.
distilled water mean water from condensation ?? I see in youtube how to make RODI, its boil it but remain my evaporate is pretty much it is imposible for me to boil much water on the stove so then I think if I can make some part of filter device to make RODI in my RO machine.
can I add part of my RO device to make RODI ?? I dont know the name of filter to make RODI.
I try test PO4,NO3 from machine RO = 0, TDS=4.
12-13-2012, 07:11 AM
You need to add special chamber filled with deionisating resin . Kind of that : rtridge_Deionization_Replacement_Filter_Cartridges-SpectraPure-SP34131-FIRORPDI-vi.html
Not hard at all.
Distilled water is sold, you dont need to boil it on stove :)
You need to add special chamber filled with deionisating resin . Kind of that : rtridge_Deionization_Replacement_Filter_Cartridges-SpectraPure-SP34131-FIRORPDI-vi.html
Not hard at all.
Distilled water is sold, you dont need to boil it on stove :)
Owh DI is resin ?? I have this one but not install yet, ok man! thank u so much! :D
12-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Middle of the screen is growing because it has enough light.
Middle of the screen is growing because it has enough light.
Still wondering where nutrient came from.. why algae still growing crazy while I harvest to scrubb everytime..
From begining I really suspect with water condition.
now I try to change every week for refreshing.. I dont want my LR die off cause start from begining to cycling.
I hope with 2 scrubber I have here.. It can make move the rest all algaes in tank into my scrubber net.
If still growing crazy then 100% I suspect there is someone else crazynut interfere..
12-14-2012, 07:09 AM
Nutrients can be inside the LR
Nutrients can be inside the LR
I already clean up all LR too. dentritus mostly trapp in it.
12-14-2012, 01:14 PM
I already clean up all LR too. dentritus mostly trapp in it.
Inside it, not over it, I'm talking about phosphates and nitrates, not detritus
LR can adsorb nutrients and it need to let them leach over time to the water
Coraline algae has the same ability to adsorb and retain phosphates
its almost 6 months -1 year I always harvest algae from scrubber (always a lots) and also clean tank from it.
phospat never gone! and more crazy.. its unreasonable cause I never feed and add anything cause tank is almost empty (very few bioload)
12-14-2012, 04:59 PM
You can't see phosphate in a rock. It is invisible.
SM : Yes I know its invisible but Algaes consume phosphate, right? if algae that I harvest everytime that's mean phosphate should be lower lower and lower but in my case this is not happend even I installed phoshguard too for help (ROWAPHOS)
Should I start again from begining change LR with DR to make cycling again ?
but I would like to keep all LR cause I think they already cure mature..
12-15-2012, 09:41 AM
Just give it more time. Might take 6 months.
Arrrrggghh... 6 month again??
how to make it faster than 6 month ?? can phosguard will make it faster ?
I want to buy some corals.. but of course after everything check is ok for start.
12-15-2012, 02:24 PM
Stronger scrubber, water changes, GFO, will all speed it up.
Ok then..
thank's sir for advice its mean a lot to me :-)
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