12-14-2012, 02:15 PM
I have been working on a term paper for a Marine Biology class and keep reading articles about increased temp (which increases H2O2 and free radical total quantity by increasing metabolism, thus producing more total oxygen products), and by increased PAR and UV (which causes the percentage of oxidative products per quantity of total oxygen produced), and how much this oxidative stress is mitigated by adding ascorbate to test groups.
Anyway the thought occured to me that it might be possible to bump up light and add some Vitamin C to increase growth, or give the corals a greater range of light tolerence, especially corals with a narrow range of light tolerence, like SPS, under something very powerful like LED lighting or the like. Possibly even bumping up temp a couple degrees for increased growth without harming the critters.
Just a tought.
And now time to stop procrastinating and get my ass back to work....sigh....
Anyway the thought occured to me that it might be possible to bump up light and add some Vitamin C to increase growth, or give the corals a greater range of light tolerence, especially corals with a narrow range of light tolerence, like SPS, under something very powerful like LED lighting or the like. Possibly even bumping up temp a couple degrees for increased growth without harming the critters.
Just a tought.
And now time to stop procrastinating and get my ass back to work....sigh....