View Full Version : Introducing me

01-05-2013, 04:56 AM
Hi, I'm Silvia from Italy.
Back in 2004 I had a nanoreef (3g), when it collapsed due to my long absence and not very well trained reef-sitter :p I dismantled it.
It was quite typical, live rocks, sand, lot of water movement and skimmer. I heard something about algae filtration so I tossed in it a piece of caulerpa. And that wass all.

Now I'm cycling two new reefs, a nano (8G) and a pico (1G). Since I'm not a big fan of technical equipments (skimmers, reactors and so on) I'm trying to go "natural". And was while looking for algae filtration that I've found the ATS concept and then this site.

I've had a wow-moment so now I'm upgrading my 8G tank adding a small 2G refugium (that will be visible so I'm trying to make it nice like a planted tank) and an ATS.
I've already ordered red and blue leds, in the meanwhile I'm building the refugium tank and ATS structure.

I know I'll need help, so I'm so happy having found this forum :)

have a nice day!

01-05-2013, 05:02 AM
Hello. Pictures, pictures, pictures.

01-05-2013, 11:02 AM

Floyd R Turbo
01-05-2013, 07:50 PM
Those nanos make other nanos look huge LOL

01-07-2013, 03:31 AM
Hi again, and thanks for the warm welcome :)

Floyd, you know, when you want to make an aquarium you basically need two things: the aquarium and the space to place it.
And I've not much space ahah.

About pictures you can see something on the blog I'm writing as journal for my nanos :) here it is: http://picoreef.blogspot.it/
It's in Italian but I've seen that google translator can make an acceptable translation of all the site at once :)

Right now I'm building a small refugium and the ATS case. I wanted to make it with plexy but I've found too much difficult to cut the plexy so I switched to a thin glass structure. I love how easy is to cut and glue glass :)