View Full Version : my scrubber build (quick question)

01-19-2013, 04:10 PM
Okay, so building my first scrubber. Decided to switch my drain plumbing over to pvc while I was at this so it costed a few bucks more but oh well.

So while I was in the process of planning the plumbing and where I was going to put this thing I realized the was a nice ribbon of water going over the last baffle to my return section so I figured wth. I didn't want to cut the sheet as this was what i was going to use for my actual build but this is what i got after about 3 days!

not bad for just shoving it in the tank!

Anyhow... Got most of the plumbing together and is currently curing. Going to be cutting the slit soon but not sure if there's a particular width i should make it. Should i make it just big enough for the screen to slide up in or have a bit of play on either side? I do plan on using a dremmel type tool per the suggestions i've come across here. Thanks for any input. I'll post some more pics once i get things together!

Also do i shove it all the way up into the slot or just poke it through a little bit?

01-19-2013, 08:14 PM

I'd put it all the way in.

01-20-2013, 10:08 AM
Here's how I cut my slot: http://algaescrubber.net/forums/showthread.php?1823-howdy-from-the-uk-day-one&p=18988&viewfull=1#post18988

01-20-2013, 10:16 AM
Well finally got it cut with a combination of a cheap dremmel and a mider saw after it was talking just way too long. Wouldn't recommend that method but it worked... I'll get done pics up later.

Oh and I just noticed I probably should have posted this in the actual build section so feel free to move it if you wish.