View Full Version : Question about harvesting/cleaning scrubber?

02-06-2013, 10:37 AM
So I read SantaMonica's? website somewhere. Where he gives a guide on how to clean your scrubber.

So I tried just running my hands over the screen, and nothing was really coming off.
So I used the falling water out of the faucet, to wash it off. And it worked great, but it washed too much off I think.

Because when I clean my screen, I don't want to remove a lot of the algae right? I want to keep the holes covered, correct?
Anyway this is what it looks like:


If nothing comes off when I use my hands do I just leave it be? I'm confused. I mean my screen is pretty rough. And where it's smooth (up top) nothing grows.
But when I used the falling water on the algae, it rinsed off in HUGE clumps.

Maybe I let it grow too long before harvesting? It was a LOT of algae that came off.

Let me know whatcha think.


02-06-2013, 12:25 PM
Clean most of it off. And clean off all black stuff.

02-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Hmm, so parts of the screen showing is fine?

02-06-2013, 04:14 PM

02-06-2013, 04:23 PM
Thanks sir. I find your information in other places around the big internet lol.

I'm sure the details are here too. I usually just google my questions, and go through the top few links.

Floyd R Turbo
02-08-2013, 09:35 AM
FW grows longer, hairlike strands and it does grow fast from what I've heard. Scrape it off with a pot scraper, one of those plastic ones. For the top/smooth area scrub it with a brush, my favorite is a grout cleaning brush, very stiff bristles.