02-17-2013, 07:04 PM
i have a 16 gallon bowfront reef tank with a 5 gal sump that has been running for about 6 months and was looking for an affordable way to control algae without having to clean the glass every other day and constantly picking algae off the rocks to prevent it from smothering corals and came across this forum. an algae scrubber sounded perfect so i got to give it a try. the problem was i didnt have much room to work with and i'm very ocd about everything being clean and neat and easily accessible. so anyway here's what i've come up with so far.
i am going to wait a while to see how it works and if it works good i will get a bigger pump because the one i am using is only 125gph and most of the water only flows down one side, also i will put a light on the other side and i'm probably going to come up with some kind of acrylic sheild that will slip over top
i am going to wait a while to see how it works and if it works good i will get a bigger pump because the one i am using is only 125gph and most of the water only flows down one side, also i will put a light on the other side and i'm probably going to come up with some kind of acrylic sheild that will slip over top