View Full Version : Effects of screen algae death?

06-01-2013, 05:03 AM
Skimming Algal Decay.

Curious as to how many folks have let the screen algae die or at least stop screen cleaning so that it drops off the screen under its own weight/flow (intentional and by mistake/disaster) and what effects it had on their tank. Of course this decay process happens daily in all tanks as food is eaten and waste produced etc., but not usually on a large scale. Does the algae take longer to regrow on the screen, is it quicker perhaps, or maybe a different type of algae, dino's for example? Just as interesting may be the decay recycling process and it's effect on the bacterial population and skimming. Got a small scale test in mind so forgive me if I'm babbling a bit.

06-03-2013, 06:02 AM
I had this happen, got a major algae bloom in my DT, with some Cyano as well.

Screen seemed to come back fairly quickly after I cleaned up as much as I could manually.

I didn't notice any real difference between this and after regualr cleaning.

06-03-2013, 07:57 AM
I had this happen, got a major algae bloom in my DT, with some Cyano as well.

Screen seemed to come back fairly quickly after I cleaned up as much as I could manually.

I didn't notice any real difference between this and after regualr cleaning.

were you running a skimmer by any chance?

06-03-2013, 11:24 AM
No - not running a skimmer