View Full Version : Is this considered a "Waterfall" Algae Scrubber?

07-04-2013, 07:25 PM
Is this a "Waterfall" Algae Scrubber?

I'm thinking about converting to one of those...

I have a basic waterfall version right now, but it's built into a typical plexiglass sump. The kind you see stuffed with bioballs and have a drain plug on the side:

Yeah, that's one of my sumps I bought and gutted for an ATS :P

Anyway, I have a TON of algae growth in the bottom of it up against the acrylic and floating around in the bottom.
Each cleaning I have to unhook the entire thing and wipe it clean. Which isn't easy :D

http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a35/psychoninja911/algae%20scrubber/IMG_20130704_211825_994_zps6276f7d5.jpg?t=13729908 42
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a35/psychoninja911/algae%20scrubber/IMG_20130704_211831_791_zps413671bf.jpg?t=13729908 29

Is that other waterfall version necessarily bad?
I know I'd need double the screen and a long sloped area right?
Which I'd be fine with, if it meant easier maintenance.
:::FRESH WATER by the way, if it matters:::

07-04-2013, 08:01 PM
Yes it's a waterfall. A horizontal.

They work; they're just big an splashy.

07-04-2013, 08:11 PM
Yes it's a waterfall. A horizontal.

They work; they're just big an splashy.

Someone said I need 4x the amount of power in light and water flow. Is this true? Why not just double?

Also, do you think if I put my bulkheads on the bottom, I'd get less growth?

I have "side" bulk heads, that give me 1.5-2" of standing water in my scurbber.

This guy has a bottom bulkhead, in a converted sump:

07-04-2013, 09:03 PM
Horizontals have "islanding", which grow up and out of the water. This stops water flow, and starves the growth. And the better the growth, the more it happens. The larger area makes up for it.

I don't think bulkheads will make much difference.

07-04-2013, 09:58 PM
Horizontals have "islanding", which grow up and out of the water. This stops water flow, and starves the growth. And the better the growth, the more it happens. The larger area makes up for it.

I don't think bulkheads will make much difference.

Makes sense. Thanks!