View Full Version : Can someone check my calcs please?

07-23-2013, 09:52 AM
Hi there I'm setting up a scrubber on my tank & wondering if anyone could check my calculations as my future scrubber seems a bit small? The scrubber will be a one sided water fall in a sump with the flow coming down from the display tank overflow.

At the moment I'm feeding quarter of a cube but guessing once fully stocked I'll be up to feeding half a cube per day.

I need to double check the flow rate but think I'm getting about 500 litres per hour from the display overflow.

So following the calcs I get a 2" wide by 6" long one sided screen requiring lighting of 12W for 18hrs or 24W for 9hrs, is this anywhere near correct?

Also would there be any problems making it a couple inches longer so it reaches the water level in my sump & avoid splashing?

Thanks for reading! :-)

07-23-2013, 10:55 AM

Seems accurate. Yes can extend down to the water.

07-23-2013, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the welcome!

Nice one, a 2 inch wide screen won't take up as much room as I thought I'd need in my already cramped sump.

I ran I scrubber on a nano a couple of years back that I built through pure guestimation & no calcs, it actually worked reasonably well to be honest! It's flow was provided by the return pump then ran down the scrubber onto the displays back brace bar that I modified into a trough, which then ran down into the display tank. The lighting was simply provided by the display light so no extra lighting or pumps were needed. Think I was lucky that it seemed to work OK.

I'm attempting do things rite this time though :-)