View Full Version : New scrubber

12-30-2013, 04:07 PM
I put my scrubber online yesterday it is 9"X13.5" powered by a MJ 1200 lit by a 23w CFL bulb about 3-4" away for 18 hours. My system consists of a 65 gallon display with a 40 Breeder sump with a connected 80 gallon shallow frag tank. I'm guessing around 170ish gallons. Is the water that is cascading down the screen supposed to be full of bubbles it almost looks like an air stone that you use in fresh water just upside down. Is this normal. Last night the water was clear. I have a small hair algae problem that began while I was on deployment not sure why. My bulbs are 4 months old my rodi is 0 TDS I use reef crystals salt. Feed LRS and pellets. Do weekly water changes of 10-15 gallons run Kalk in my top off. I use a combination of WP-25's and MP 10's between the tanks. I run a MONSTER skimmer for my system SRO 3000 and it pulls almost black skimmate. All levels are in check that I can test for.
PH 8.3
Temp 79
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0 as its a thriving reef
Phosphate maybe .25
I only have api test kits so it is what it is.

Any help is always appreciated. Thanks Gunny

12-30-2013, 05:01 PM

Well the rocks seem pretty good. Bubbles in the flow is fine. Phosphate is probably starting to come out of the rocks, which will increase growth on the rocks even more once the scrubber grows.

Let's see how it develops. You can stop water changes if you want; they are not helping anything. Same with the skimmer. Rocks will darken with thicker natural periphyton after a while.

01-05-2014, 07:07 AM
Here is Day 7

01-05-2014, 09:59 AM
Looks great for 7 days. Go 10 days and clean.