View Full Version : UAS only with airstone?

01-01-2014, 08:42 AM
Hello folks!

I'am new at this forum and a nonnative speaker, so please be foregiving with my english. I have some trouble with nuisance Algae in my temperate seawater tank and can't get rid of them with other (non chemical) solutions. I think here I've found a solution which can solve my problem(s).

For a test I'am planing an UAS which will be placed inside the main tank and will be lit from outside of the tank like the one out of this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGLnBvDkaO0).

Now my question: Is it absolutely necessary to use an airstone? I'am afraid to get to small bubbles out of it so that it works like a protein skimmer which means the foam swims on the surface of my aquarium water.

Is it possible to use a drilled PVC pipe (e.g. 6 mm) or a thin perforated hose? As I understand the function of the UAS the air bubbles are necessary for the nutrient transport so some small holes in a pipe or hose will do the same job - won't them?

Thanks for your answers in advance.

Kind regards

01-01-2014, 11:51 AM
Yes that design is good. One thing I would change: Use a sliced airline like we do with the HOGs, instead of an airstone:


I would not use a perforated hose, because the holes will clog quickly. Yes you must have the bubbles; it will not grow at all without the bubbles. You want as many large fast bubbles as possible. It is the air/water interface that causes the algae to grow:


A thicker plastic piece on the outside (which holds the LEDs) will reduce the bubble sound. The foam does not accumulate at the top; instead, the bubbles just pop. And if you don't want salt spray, just move the scrubber up higher so the top part is out of the water. This will remove all bubbles:


Also, since you have big algae problems, make two complete scrubbers, so one will always be filtering.

01-02-2014, 09:59 AM
Hello Santa,

thanks for your reply. Did you cross-cut your hoses? Looks a little bit fragile. You cut the slots only to 1/3 of the diameter of the hose - am I right?

An other question to the interface drawing: The air bubbles need to be in contact with the algaes. That must be because of the CO2 contained in the air (value of about 0,04%) to grow the algaes?

Kind regards


01-02-2014, 02:35 PM
Yes the hose is cross-cut. Works well and hardly every clogs, and cleans easily by lifting up the segments and blowing air. Cut them half way across, or more.

Yes the bubbles must rub the algae, also to move the algae around and keep it from getting matted down.

01-03-2014, 09:14 AM
Thanks a lot for the explanation!

Regards Oliver