View Full Version : DROP.2 Questions

01-20-2014, 01:00 PM
I have an original HOG.5 mounted in the display a a nano cube 28 that has been moderately successful.

I had a few questions about the DROP.2.....

1. I'm wondering if the LED being underwater is problematic and could lead to shorts, fires, etc. if the seal leaks to the LED?

2. Is it weighted to sink so it hangs straight up and down from the bubbler hose OR do you need to mount it somehow?

3. I feed less than 0.2 cubes per day. Do you think this scrubber would work better than my original HOG.5?

4. Are folks using this currently? How is it doing so far?

5. How loud is it if you mount the top just above the water line (to prevent bubbles)?

6. Are they in stock and available?


01-20-2014, 08:17 PM
1. The LED is sealed in two coats of urethane, and then in epoxy, in order to keep the connection from corroding. However you could stick the LED straight into the water with no coatings, and it would still continue to work until it corroded. No shocks, etc, because the power supply actually physically separates the LED side from the mains.

2. It is weighted, via the Green Grabber rock textures.

3. I don't know. It would fill up much quicker, for sure.

4. Is just starting to get used.

5. Is quieter than the HOG.5, because the plastic is thicker, and also because it is not pressed up against the glass.

6. They were out of stock for the last week or two, but we just finished some new ones today.

01-21-2014, 05:22 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.

I'd love to hear updates too from folks as people start to use it.