View Full Version : HOB Algae Scrubber questions

02-15-2014, 10:17 AM
Hi, I'm new to the Forum and Algae Scrubbers..

Since day one, I've had issues with cyno and green hair algae. It comes and goes... My tank is a year old and I've just started to add in zoa this and polyps just a few so fat. My tank was primarily a FOWLR. I have 2 green chromis, 2 clown fish, 1 fire fish, And 1 engineer goby. I also have a good amount of CUC... but none are really ridding my GHA.
I have some on the rocks and 2 weeks ago I pulled out 2 large rocks and scrubbed them then dipped in Hydro peroxide, then back in tank. Well gladly no more gha on those rocks but they are now white and probably killed all essential bacteria in the rock doing that. So now looking to try something else.

I have a 46 gallon tank a aqua c remora hob skimmer, a 12 gal sump from aquoen(sp) and a cpr HOB Refugium.

I do bi weekly 15% water changes from LFS.. I top off with distilled water and I do plan to buy my own to/DI unit this week. I also feed one frozen cube of my sis or brine per day.

So now to my question.

I was going to use the hob refugium as a algae scrubber. I figured I could move the refugium to the bottom sump. So to.do this would I need to remove sandbed in hob refugium? I was planning on getting an air stone and some netting like shown on some tanks here.. attach stone to netting and place in refugium after scuffing up the netting with sandpaper. I have a light that sits on top of refugium that I would leave on 18 hrs a day

Do you think this would work?

Any advise or thoughts are apperciated.


02-15-2014, 03:35 PM
You can leave the sand in. But the light on the top might not shine enough down into the water. Would be better to shine it it through the side.

02-15-2014, 08:23 PM
Slightly off topic, I found this little thing on ebay which I've been looking for / thinking about making for a long time. Maybe its design could help you a little.
