View Full Version : bryopsis versus scrubber
03-22-2014, 03:40 AM
Bryopsis is one of the harderst to get kill algae wil a scrubber win this.
I run a waterfall at this moment and i got an outbreak of bryopsis i think to win i have to run a longer lightperiode in the scrubber as in the tank is this right.
My floating version is ready to instal hoping this wil make the diffrence.
Would this work?
Eric Jan
03-22-2014, 07:01 AM
Bryopsis outbreaks usually happen because of problems with water chemistry - usually low magnesium.
I have had fairly good results raising magnesium levels in my tank using Kent M..
Increasing scrubbing capacity should help as well.
03-22-2014, 08:12 AM
Your waterfall scrubber if lit on both sides, has the right flow, and the right lighting should out perform a single sided float type.
03-22-2014, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the reply.
My mg was always low as i started natrual seawater.
The last two weeks i put in 5 kg mg chloride lets hope it works.
My waterfall scrubber runs but not great.
Only my waterfall runs on 10 hours lite and i think i need a longer periode to win from the bryopsis.
Eric Jan
Doug G
03-26-2014, 03:53 PM
The easiest way to deal with nuisance algae in the tank is to get a hearty herbivore of course. Rabbitfish or tang. I have yet to get a scrubber to remove all the nuisance algae, but the rabbitfish and tang sure keep it in check!
03-27-2014, 12:24 PM
The easiest way to deal with nuisance algae in the tank is to get a hearty herbivore of course. Rabbitfish or tang. I have yet to get a scrubber to remove all the nuisance algae, but the rabbitfish and tang sure keep it in check!
I have had scrubbers not up to standard not remove all the algae when I first started to build them when we used CFL but since the LED has happened I dont have algae unless I feed super heavy outside of my screen parameters. Even with CFL something had to go wrong for me to get algae bu the LED is far more forgiving.
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