View Full Version : Advice needed! 3x2x2 with bubble algae!

05-21-2014, 05:40 PM
Hey guys - I have a bubble algae problem and currently my skimmer/phosphate pellet reactor isnt helping!

Would an ATS help?

I live in Melbourne Australia, but am happy to order from overseas :D

05-21-2014, 08:24 PM
Welcome from Australia.

Yes, any extra export would help. You could say that scrubbers are good, because they fight fire with fire. Bubbles are good at accumulating low levels of nutrients inside the bubble, so you need a strong scrubber (lots of light for the growth area size). But they are still just algae, and scrubbers are just faster-growing algae.

05-21-2014, 08:42 PM
Any models you would recommend?

05-22-2014, 10:16 AM
How old is the rock.

Where are the bubbles attached.

How much do you feed.

Is there nuisance algae on the rocks besides bubbles.

What other filters besides your skimmer, and phosphate pellet reactor, do you have. (and what is the the pellet reactor).

Are you doing water changes.

Is there stuff collected on the bottom of the sump.

And of course, pics of rocks, and sump.