View Full Version : brand new to site and scrubbers
06-10-2014, 12:04 PM
I have a 100g reef set up, I built a ATS from the help of this site. Its 10" across and 13" down being fed off my return with a strong flow(full wall of water at the bottom) just increased the flow from a slower waterfall effect. Have a 75watt flood light in a standard reflector pointed directly at it only on 1 side. Space and outlets dont permit 2 sided. Should I keep this size if feeding about 4 cubes daily? The first week I got the dark dark green brown black algae. Rinsed in fresh water and now at end of 2nd week alot brighter green but still darkish. This OK? But I have noticed more turf algae growing in display but my nitrates are almost half of what they were(25-30ppm) to now about 10-15ppm and phosphates about 0. Is the light bright enough and if flow is too strong will spore go back into tank and cause more growth? Sorry this all over the place but never have posted in my over 15 years in the fish hobby. Love the idea and how much my nitrates have dropped just a bit confused if I am doing this right. ALSo sorry if this in the wrong place. Didnt see general question forum? Thanks M
06-10-2014, 05:20 PM
First is to check on the wattage; sounds like it's a 75 equivalent watt, which is about 13 real watts. If so, 13 watts is good for 13 square inches, not 130 square inches, which would explain the dark growth.
Any growth will reduce nutrients, as you have seen, but it will get tougher as the nutrients get lower.
06-10-2014, 08:44 PM
Hey SM! Thanks for getting back to me. So what size light bulb do I need then? and do I need that large of a screen with all the new resizing info that you are talking about. Are you saying the lower the nutrients get it will be harder to grow the algae on the screen or inside the display? Isnt the goal to grow large amount of thick dense algae to keep lowering the nutrients? And if we are growing this type of algae wouldnt that really mean that there are still alot of nutrients in the water or am i just getting myself confused?
bottom line, what type of light bulb exactly, i have a standard home depot clamp light with reflector with a screw in socket. and how far away from screen?
-is too much flow just a s bad as not enough?
-is that screen size(10"x13") ok if feeding 4 cubes daily?
-should i rinse now before end of week 2 if its not super bright green more like half and half?
Thanks again, your site is super helpful and informative
06-11-2014, 11:14 AM
The goal is to have low nutrients, no matter what type of growth you have. Usually, however, the thick bright green growth filters better than dark thin slime. But all scrubber will vary from start to finish. And it will grow more when you feed more, because of the extra ammonia put into the water by the animals.
Area for 4 cubes vertical would need 4 x 12 = 48 square inches, so horizontal would be 4 X 48 = 192 square inches.
Light for 4 cubes vertical would need at least 4 X 12 = 48 total real (not equivalent) watts, so horizontal would be 1.5 X 48 = 72 real watts. But this could be doubled, too.
So technically your screen is small, and your lighting is way too small. But since it's already built, just get stronger lighting and see how it goes. An LED grow bulb light these would be good:
06-11-2014, 08:19 PM
Thanks again so much SM!!
That cleared a few things up!! But you say my screen is small when its 10" by 13" so 130 square inches. Isnt that much bigger than what you suggested or am I not calculating the inches properly?
Should I get a bigger reflector as well or just bigger wattage???
Lastly, what should I be thinking about the new growth of turf algae within my display?? Its seems to be spreading quicker than without ATS? Will it die off soon/halt growth??
Thanks again for your unparrelled guidance!! Cheers mateo
06-12-2014, 09:35 AM
I calculated 192 square inches. Yours is 130.
I have not seen your reflector or bulb, but is should put all the light onto the screen.
The new nuisance algae in your display is probably phosphate coming out of the rock, which is good.
06-12-2014, 10:26 AM
I calculated 192 square inches. Yours is 130.
I have not seen your reflector or bulb, but is should put all the light onto the screen.
The new nuisance algae in your display is probably phosphate coming out of the rock, which is good.
Isn't the setup being discussed here a one sided waterfall scrubber?
The calculated 192 is for a horizontal??
06-12-2014, 10:49 AM
Ah yes you are right. So the recommended size would be 48 square inches, with at least 48 real (not equivalent) watts.
06-12-2014, 08:54 PM
Thank you again, I really started to think I was going crazy. So my screen is too big I will reduce and add more real wattage lighting. Will keep you updated. Last question for now.... I should always clean the screen if its the darker green algae even if its not been the full week correct?? thanks again M
06-12-2014, 09:08 PM
Well a week is good. But yes when the growth is black then you want to get it all off.
06-19-2014, 09:26 PM
Hey SM!! Things are going great, I up'd the size of my lighting and bought new bulbs. Questions I grabbed a phillips 120w plant light flood light. Is that much better?? or I also bought eco smart 120w equilvalent flood light with the spiral inside of it 2700k. before I only had 65watts incandesent.
thanks again Mateo
06-20-2014, 10:02 AM
I think the 120w plant light is going to be way too big. Probably the 120 equivalent 2700k is better, because that is about 23 real watts.
07-07-2014, 08:27 PM
OK SM I am getting really fustrated and I really want this to work. So here I am again bending your ear!!
Like I said I upgraded lighting and downsized screen but I think the light is too bright. Its the ECOSMART 120watt which is supposedly only 23 real watts??
I put up a brand new screen that was ruffef up for over a hour and a half with the exact tool you used. The algae was a dark barown dark green, so I thought maube the light was burning it so I just let it go for a few extra days before cleaning. Once I cleaned there was some nice bright green underneath the the other stuff.
So I switched yet again to a 75watt equal to 90 watt flood light hoping it wouldnt be too harsh. Please tell me if this the right thing to do I am also including pics this time.
Do you think my flow is to high and it isnt strong enough yet to get any substaintial growth?? I canty think of anything else? The pics make it look like it was alot darker than it really is. Its more of a super dark green with some brown and bright green but again no heavy growth. UGH I am sooooo fustrated please help SM
07-07-2014, 08:53 PM
The light is too weak, and too concentrated in the middle. A larger bulb, for more hours, with a wider reflector, will work better.
Or just let it fill in and see how it goes.
07-08-2014, 11:57 AM
Hey SM!! Thanks for the quick response!! I know we have gone over this before and I apologize for coming across as dense I am really rather intelligent (haha) but this is making me insane. I am such a perfectionist that I have to make this work. When you say bigger bulb you mean wattage right?? The highest I can find is the plant grow light that has a light blue on the actual bulb or the 120watt equalilant which I thought may have been burning it because the area in the center was always starting out very slow they it would turn a lightish brown then go to the really dark green. Should I try for the pink plant grow bulb? Also i am going to cut the legs on the ATS so the light will be better diffussed throughout the screen and the bottom will just touch the water in the sump. Think that sounds good?? PS there is bright bright green algae growing in the walls on my sump and some my hoses OK think thats it for now. Again thank you soo much and sorry for being such a pain. I just want this to really be perfect to get the results I am hoping for. M
07-08-2014, 02:34 PM
Leave the light, and let's see how it goes.
Lowering the unit won't help growth; only do it if it's too noisy.
07-09-2014, 03:55 PM
Hey SM!! Thanks again for the quick replys!!
So lowering the light was going to try and be a 2 fold effort. One to lower the noise and two, to have the light come from above rather than spot on to prevent the burn out effect and have more of a diffused effect. Because the other areas in the sump where its getting indirect light there are areas of super bright green algae. Not alot just some spots here and there.
Also I went to Home Depot today and found CFL 150 watt equivalent, 42 actual watts spiral lightbulb not a flood light. 2700k 2800 lumens. Also grabbed a 120watt equivalent 30 actual watts spiral light bulb not a flood light. 3500k 2100 lumens.
From what you have said before I need 48 actual watts of power so I am leaning towards the 150 watt 42 actual watts. Sound like a plan?? Hit me back and let me know?? All the best M
07-09-2014, 07:14 PM
You usually want the light from the sides. I'd still say to let it run and see how it does. The spot will probably fill in.
08-18-2014, 06:13 PM
Hey SM!! So I finally have good good growth, dont know if you can tell from the photo?? But for the most part its very thick and matted and bright green and a few different types of algae. But then there is the dark red purple around it as well. Is this a problem, should I leave it and just keep rinsing it off in fresh water every 14-20 days or try and get rid of it?? Nitrates are still dropping and it seems to be growing great? What are your expert thoughts on the matter. Still using the 43 real watts = to 150 watts and trying to figure out a way to add another. Thanks again SM, cheers Mateo
08-18-2014, 07:58 PM
Well that's better than before. But it still needs more hours of more light. Clean it all off down to the white screen, and run the light for 22 hours for 10 days.
And add a second light if you can.
kiss reef
08-19-2014, 05:19 PM
I calculated 192 square inches. Yours is 130.
I have not seen your reflector or bulb, but is should put all the light onto the screen.
The new nuisance algae in your display is probably phosphate coming out of the rock, which is good.
ok so I am having the same problem with my dt. weird alage is growing on my rocks lime green slime stuff and a little cyano. I did remove my skimmer also about 3 weeks ago . so is the new alage expected? because of my old rocks
08-19-2014, 08:15 PM
Yes probably:
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