View Full Version : Question about the oxygen level weh removing skimmer

06-11-2014, 09:38 AM
Hell there,

I'm new on this forum and am anxious to build me an ATS.

I've been reading through a lot of topics on this forum and first of all I'd like to thank you guys for all the effort and willingness to share information about this subject.

Here in Belgium, not a lot of people use a scrubber for reasons already mentioned on numerous other threads on this forum.

The biggest concern/question I have for the moment is about the Oxygen level in the tank when the skimmer will be removed.

I understand that the photsynthesis process provides the tank with oxygen, but will it be enough to shut off my skimmer later on?

Maybe this question has already been asked. In that case, I apologize!!

Kind regards from Antwerp, where The Eagles performed 2 weeks ago:D

06-11-2014, 10:32 AM
Hello there:oops:

06-11-2014, 11:01 AM
Welcome from Belgium,

Oxygen is provided not only by photosynthesis, but also by the water falling down the waterfall, or by the bubbles in an upflow. So a scrubber provided more oxygen than a skimmer.

06-11-2014, 11:40 AM
Thank you very much for your reply Santa Monica.

Great to get some input from the guru himself:D

For now, I'm going to install a waterfall just to see if it works out for my system. When everything goes as expected, I'll be back to get me a surf 4!!

Appreciate it very much!!

Kind regards
