View Full Version : How many scrubbers needed for 460g tank
eric mraz
10-03-2009, 01:49 AM
Just ordered a 460g tank and would like to filter the tank with just scrubbers and was wondering how many i would need if i light the trays on both sides.
10-03-2009, 11:02 AM
Check the FAQ for basic sizing info:
viewtopic.php?f=9&t=68 (
Cleaning will be an issue, so you'll want to build the tank/stand around the scrubber.
10-03-2009, 02:25 PM
A skimmer that size would probably be best served as a bunch of screens, so you can clean/carry/handle them in a reasonable manner.
You also want to think about where you'll clean them and the sizes as they relate to that.
eric mraz
10-03-2009, 05:08 PM
I figure i would have to use 3 10" X 20" sheets with light on both sides, does that sound right. The tank is going to be built in the wall that faces my garage, and garage floor is 3' lower than my house, so i will have plenty of room under the tank to build the scrubbers. What im hoping to do is cut back on water changes or not change at all, and really dont want to buy a protein skimmer for that size of tank. Im going to keep looking at more scrubber designs and see if i can design one that will work for me.
10-03-2009, 06:53 PM
That is a very convienent situation. you should have no problems cominng up with something to work well.
You ask as to sizing. What are you going to have in the tank? Three guppies? Or packed with soft corals, or a FOWLR with lots of fish?
eric mraz
10-04-2009, 06:50 PM
I was planning on just fish for right now, thinking of large angels, and buterfly fish, and some smaller fish. In the future i may get clams and some corals, but for now just fish. Another question i have is about lighting, The tank is going to be 36" tall, could i light the tank with 250w metal halides or would i have to go to 400w if i do plan on getting clams and corals. I will try 3 trays for now and if i need more i can always add more scrubbers. I dont like to overstock, gets really hard to feed them all and most angels get really big. Thanks for the help, this scrubber thing is new to me and looks like its a very good way to filter you aquarium if done right. Oh by the way how many fires are started by people trying to make there own scrubbers (lol) looked at some pics and didnt think they looked to safe.
10-04-2009, 09:42 PM
Your loading seems reasonably sized. The butterflies, if I recall correctly, need meat foods so they represent more loading than the usual fish but you still seem like you have a light load overall. Your three trays should do fine if they are reasonably sized. You can look at the FAQ to see the correct size recommendation as I don't recall. And it depends on the width too.
As for 36" deep that is 400W territory if you want corals. 400W x 2 or 4 is serious monthly money. I am going to light my 36" with reflected sunlight and high power LEDs. If you can you should consider using LEDs with optics. You can light a deep tank far more economically than with MH, and the chiller bill, two 400s demand.
As for fire traps some of the Turf Scrubbers I see are very risky setups. All TS should be lit thru a GFI outlet - without exception.
10-05-2009, 12:28 PM
You'll need a few cleanup crews to break up the large food and waste pieces. The quicker the food and waste is converted to Inorganic Nitrate and Inorganic Phosphate, the quicker the scrubber can remove them.
I personally would oversize your scrubber 2X, if it will be the only filter. Test the pipe/screen flow in your bathtub before finalizing it.
eric mraz
10-06-2009, 05:24 AM
I did forget to mention that i have about 300lbs live rock that can filter the tank also. I was going to put sky lights in my garage, could i direct sunlight to my tank with sky lights and then also use leds. I know i have alot of questions and am sorry, but now is the time to plan my tank setup. I would think that running metal halides all the time would be costly, and if i could direct sunlight down that would be a plus. Thanks
10-06-2009, 08:15 AM
You can do any lighting you want for the display, but the scrubber needs full power with bulbs since it's the only filter.
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