View Full Version : Phyto and zoeplakton also part of guideline

12-06-2014, 03:49 AM
Hallo guy's

I am building my aquarium at this moment. It is a 24x24x48 aquarium with a sump of 15x15x15 sump with 2 7.5x7.5x15 cultivation tank and a 15x15x15 breeding tank. Now i am going to build a ats waterfall and I am looking at the calculator and the first thing that pops into mind is..... is the phyto and/ore zoeplankton also considered a part of the calculation to determine the size?

I have 2 16 liter tanks ( about 4.5 gallons) to cultivate zoo and phyto plankton that I want to add with a dosing pump. The plan is to dose a 1/4 a day and if I have to consider this as part of my calculation, well it will be a big *ss scrubber


12-06-2014, 09:28 AM
Welcome from Holland.

Yes the phyto and zoo will be part of the feeding calculation. I don't know how much though, because it depends on how concentrated they are.