01-23-2015, 07:43 PM
I hope this post finds everyone doing well. I would really like to thank you for having such a great forum. My name is Chuck Jeter and I am from South Carolina. I discovered when I was doing research for building my first reef tank. To be honest, this tank will be my first tank larger than ten gallons, so I suspect this is going to be an adventure. Needless to say, I have a ton of questions and many of them I have managed to find answers for, but I still have a few questions I am hoping y'all can help answer. If any of these questions are redundant or seem stupid, I apologize in advance. :confused:
I always notice people ask about setup, so here goes nothing.
I am currently planning on the following setup:
-80 Gallon Reef Ready Tank by DSA (Deep Sea Aquatics, which I believe used to be Oceanic) don't guess I can change this since I already bought it, but I can still change/redo anything else.
-I will starting with 3-4 inch sand bed, 100 lbs dry rock and 10-12 lbs of live rock.
-I am going to be using a MaxSpect Gyre 150 for circulation
-My overflow has two one inch overflows and two 3/4 inch returns
-I am installing a 20 gallon sump with wet/dry trickle tower containing 7 gallons of bio-balls and Jabeo DC 12000 main return pump.
-my Waterfall ATS, which has two screens that are 6x6 (theoretically I can alternate cleanings to prevent nutrient spike) is being fed with a Rio 2500 that I tested and flows, based on average of ten runs, 656 GPH to ATS Screens.
(I did modify my ATS slightly from some I have seen, the slit for my first screen is 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch for second screen in the line because this seemed to produce a more balanced flow over the screens.)
-I will also have a 10 gallon refugium fed from the display tank overflow that sits slightly above and to one side of the sump tank and uses 1 inch gravity flow into return area of sump (I only plan on using the refugium, well, for a refuge and breeding place for pods and I am not planning on adding any macro algae just some live rock and 1-2 inches of sand with minimal lighting.)
-I am currently working on a mixing station using two 28 gallon brute storage containers and a five stage RO/DI unit.
If anyone needs them for clarification, I can try to put everything in place in the cabinet (I am still working on it) and get some pictures.
Question 1
Do I keep the Bio-Balls or ditch them? And if I keep the bio-balls, will it hurt if I pump this water over ATS before it is sent back to display tank. (I don't think I need the tower, but I am having a hard time parting with it because it was the first thing I built for this tank, and the one thing that when completed got my wife on board with the idea of a new larger aquarium since she "could tell I really wanted one." So, I guess I might have some sentimental attachment.)
Question 2?
Should I ditch the pump for the ATS and feed it and the refugium from one of my overflows. (I was planning on running a tee and a valve to limit the flow to refugium since what I have read suggest that low flow works best for raising pods and other critters in a refugium.)
Question 3
Do I really need a skimmer? I asked one of the owners of my LFS for his thoughts about Algae Scrubbers and he started describing the benefits of a magnetized glass cleaner that has a flip down blade for scraping, which they sell ..... when I described the kind of Algae Scrubber I was really asking about, he insisted I was going to have to have a skimmer now or at some point when all my fish die. I don't think I need one, but I will defer to the experts.... You!
Question 4
Can I still include snails and conchs in my Clean Up Crew?
Question 5
If every thing works right, will I have enough algae in the tank for snails and tangs that graze?
Again if I am being repetitive, I apologize. I welcome input from everyone. Please feel free to suggest any changes will improve/help my setup, which includes ATS, sump, Refugium, anything (but the Tank that is because my wife would kill me if I told her I had to change that ). I am always open for ideas, and besides, this is my first setup so I am sure I missed something and I would rather know it now while it can be changed before water is added. Thanks and God Bless.
I always notice people ask about setup, so here goes nothing.
I am currently planning on the following setup:
-80 Gallon Reef Ready Tank by DSA (Deep Sea Aquatics, which I believe used to be Oceanic) don't guess I can change this since I already bought it, but I can still change/redo anything else.
-I will starting with 3-4 inch sand bed, 100 lbs dry rock and 10-12 lbs of live rock.
-I am going to be using a MaxSpect Gyre 150 for circulation
-My overflow has two one inch overflows and two 3/4 inch returns
-I am installing a 20 gallon sump with wet/dry trickle tower containing 7 gallons of bio-balls and Jabeo DC 12000 main return pump.
-my Waterfall ATS, which has two screens that are 6x6 (theoretically I can alternate cleanings to prevent nutrient spike) is being fed with a Rio 2500 that I tested and flows, based on average of ten runs, 656 GPH to ATS Screens.
(I did modify my ATS slightly from some I have seen, the slit for my first screen is 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch for second screen in the line because this seemed to produce a more balanced flow over the screens.)
-I will also have a 10 gallon refugium fed from the display tank overflow that sits slightly above and to one side of the sump tank and uses 1 inch gravity flow into return area of sump (I only plan on using the refugium, well, for a refuge and breeding place for pods and I am not planning on adding any macro algae just some live rock and 1-2 inches of sand with minimal lighting.)
-I am currently working on a mixing station using two 28 gallon brute storage containers and a five stage RO/DI unit.
If anyone needs them for clarification, I can try to put everything in place in the cabinet (I am still working on it) and get some pictures.
Question 1
Do I keep the Bio-Balls or ditch them? And if I keep the bio-balls, will it hurt if I pump this water over ATS before it is sent back to display tank. (I don't think I need the tower, but I am having a hard time parting with it because it was the first thing I built for this tank, and the one thing that when completed got my wife on board with the idea of a new larger aquarium since she "could tell I really wanted one." So, I guess I might have some sentimental attachment.)
Question 2?
Should I ditch the pump for the ATS and feed it and the refugium from one of my overflows. (I was planning on running a tee and a valve to limit the flow to refugium since what I have read suggest that low flow works best for raising pods and other critters in a refugium.)
Question 3
Do I really need a skimmer? I asked one of the owners of my LFS for his thoughts about Algae Scrubbers and he started describing the benefits of a magnetized glass cleaner that has a flip down blade for scraping, which they sell ..... when I described the kind of Algae Scrubber I was really asking about, he insisted I was going to have to have a skimmer now or at some point when all my fish die. I don't think I need one, but I will defer to the experts.... You!
Question 4
Can I still include snails and conchs in my Clean Up Crew?
Question 5
If every thing works right, will I have enough algae in the tank for snails and tangs that graze?
Again if I am being repetitive, I apologize. I welcome input from everyone. Please feel free to suggest any changes will improve/help my setup, which includes ATS, sump, Refugium, anything (but the Tank that is because my wife would kill me if I told her I had to change that ). I am always open for ideas, and besides, this is my first setup so I am sure I missed something and I would rather know it now while it can be changed before water is added. Thanks and God Bless.