View Full Version : Trying to recovery my system 78GAL with ATS.

01-24-2015, 12:53 PM
Regards to all!

I'm from Venezuela, i have a FOWLR Barebottom 78 GAL system, which i've tried to covert in mixed reef with a pair of failed attemps. currently is abandoned and I would like to try take it forward again.

Always i've had so high nitrate and phosate levels,

my actual equipment is:
Tank measures:100cm x 45cm x 55cm (length x width x height)
Skimmer: Reef Octopus DNW-150
2 Powerheads. Koralia Evolution 1400
ilumination:20 Royal Blue, 12 Cool white, 2 Warn White, 2 UV Leds. distribuited in 2 modules. (will be updated too)

System total Volume:
245 liters in tank + 45 liters in Sump

a little overview picture:

i've decided make me a ATS for my system, based to guidelines what posted here.

my ATS is 10cm. x 22cm.

feeded by a 700GPH pump regulating with a valve.

this is my construccion:


Reflectors Interior side:


already mounted in my sump:


ready and working since January 21th.


i will like read your coments and sugestions.

greetings and thanks

Jhoan Mosquera

01-24-2015, 04:29 PM
Welcome from Venezuela.

What lights are on the scrubber?

01-24-2015, 08:39 PM
Thnks Santa Monica!

the base of my model and my desition on ATS is in base of this site. I hope to learn all posible knowledge for go to success with this reefkeeping method.

currently have 2 Spiral 2700K 13Watts CFL one each side, but i Know that must find 18w CFLs to put on my Scrubber.

i go to post here all my updates and advance


Jhoan Mosquera

02-10-2015, 04:09 AM
I have 2 and half weeks with my ATS already installed in my system. I've changed bulbs for osram 18w 2700K 10 days ago. And algae doesn't grow. I know that something I'm doing wrong.

Just can see little spots of brown algae I'm putting a picture and video ... :(


A little video


02-10-2015, 09:52 AM
How many hours of light?

Give the screen a toothbrushing in your sink, and go to 20 hours a day, and in 10 days there will be much more growth.

02-10-2015, 10:13 AM
Hi Santa Monica!
Have 18 hours of light.
I'll go to 20hrs.and make toothbrushing.

Thanks For Your Support!!

i will Update any advance aboutabout that

02-10-2015, 10:34 AM
Saludos hermano, mira con esos bombillos tardaras mucho más en obtener resultados y te será costoso a la larga ya que se deben cambiar cada 3 o 4 meses, es mejor que hagas la inversión de led 660nm cree o luxeon

Por otro lado el ats una vez montado puede tardar hasta 21 días en crecerte el alga y dependera de la carga de nutrientes, lo que se ve en la foto es proceso normal


03-01-2015, 06:19 PM
4 weeks after the break-in of my ATS.

I'm brushing my screen and obtain this


screen before cleaning looks like this:



screen after Cleaning looks like this:



I'm cleaning just the slime layer that looks like cyanobacteria and/or dinoflagellates.

I'm doing some wrong?

03-01-2015, 06:37 PM
Clean all of that off.

03-01-2015, 07:46 PM

Thanks for your support Santa Monica!