View Full Version : How much is too much flow?

01-27-2015, 09:26 AM
Just installed my HOG2 on my sump the scrubber side is completely submerged. I am using a Tetra 300 air pump to power it which is puts out 3ltrs per min Tetra say. The air flow over the scrubber is very vigorous. I note you recommend a pump to give a minimum of 2ltrs per min. Do you think the very vigorous air flow over the scrubber is fine or could it be too much?

01-27-2015, 10:26 AM
Welcome from the UK.

No you can't have too much air. The only tradeoff might be bubbling sound.

01-27-2015, 11:06 AM
Welcome from the UK.
Thank you for the welcome I appreciate it.

No you can't have too much air. The only trade off might be bubbling sound.
SM algae scrubbers are not available here in the UK I believe.

Good to hear. Yeah there was some bubbles escaping between the glass and the scrubber and the air hole on the top was spitting but I have eliminated the water spitting problem by attaching a length of airline to it. The air escaping from the scrubber is not so noisy so I can live with that.

BTW. I would just like to say how sorry I was to read on the UK forum called "U something reef":rolleyes: if people g (I guess I can't mention them on here) all the negative comments you got esp early on about 3 years ago I think. I was one of the few who supported you from the outset. I guess with some people they felt threatened by your posts on algae scrubbers. Totally uncalled for esp when few knew what they were talking about. I have had similar abuse when I old people about "Oxydators" I don't make them,sell them, have never sold them and have no intention of ever selling them. So what if I did anyway.? If people bought them as many are now and found the benefits of using them then IMO that's a good thing.

01-27-2015, 04:57 PM
Yes sometimes it takes a while for the concept to sink in; that's why I link to ReefBase.org so that they can read about how the ocean really works.

Correct there is nobody reselling scrubbers in the UK yet; all are purchased from our shopping cart, like yours was. I think it would be a good opportunity especially since some of the current resellers are selling out quickly (like one day).