View Full Version : floating scrubber

02-06-2015, 09:40 AM

not sure the pics went thru but any way, how come there is no thread on horizontal floating scrubbers? they are way less expense, grow red turf instead of green hair and work as a mehanical filter to boot. these screens float, you can just drop it in your fuge and run your tank return and or skimmer output over the top therefore feeding it oxygenated water and nutrients. you can also run three layers of full screen as i do which all grow different amounts of algae. instead of scraping it all off just use a brush which takes the loose stuff off but leaves plenty of turf there to filter. by going horizontal and leaving turf there you have a mechanical filter because the turf traps all sorts of stuff in it from the tank return. set the lighting up over top and you dont have to rig any plumbing, build any boxes or have any extra pumps. you can even pile up your rock undernieth if you wish or need and it grows plenty of coraline due to the lower light levels coming thru the screen. as i said if the pics went thru you can get an idea of what i have set up.

02-06-2015, 09:49 AM
Looks good; I hope it works well.

02-07-2015, 03:24 PM
works tops, nitrate went from steady rising to 1ppm and phos went from solid green to undetectable in a month or so. i use a full screen with 50 to 75 watts cfl depending on the readings.