View Full Version : DIY Noise suppression

03-22-2015, 05:08 AM
I haved a HOG2 and have attached a short length of airline to the air outlet at the top in an attempt to reduce noise of the bubbles/air exiting. Unfortunately this has not been completely successful as air and water are spit out of it still creating some noise. I was wondering if something along the lines of a CO2 bubble counter might be more successful in reducing noise or if anybody had any ideas for noise suppression?
A bubble counter something like this one.

Most skimmers have a silencer on them which might prove successful.

03-22-2015, 10:06 AM
If using a tube, you should have a U on it, or just point the tubing down towards the water. I guess you could put a little muffler on it if you are sure that's where sound is coming out. Here are some more HOG tips...


03-22-2015, 12:35 PM
Thanks. I will look into trying some of the things mentioned.