View Full Version : Want to DIY an Algae Scrubber

03-31-2015, 02:22 PM
Hi guys
im planning to DIY an algae scrubber and would like any input or advice. i have a +/- 1000L marine aquarium with the sump in a shed behind my tank (separated by a wall)
im trying to plan what would work best for my setup
i have loads of space but would prefer not to have another uplflow pump in my sump so i wanted to make use of my down flow pipes to use for the scrubber. i have 2 X 50ml down flow pipes
my uplift back into the tank is a Jebao DC 6000 which is controllable so i can increase or decrease the strength

currently my plans are illustrated below
(please excuse the poor schematics)
option 1:
http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee496/greatwytY/scrubber%20plan_zpst07fyrxk.png (http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/greatwytY/media/scrubber%20plan_zpst07fyrxk.png.html)
in this option i let my down flow pipes run into a plastic tray which has the sheet laying in it with a light source on top allowing algae to grow. the downside i can see is that it will have less surface area for growth as it will have only one side exposed to light

option 2
http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee496/greatwytY/scrubber%20plan%203_zpsnmjv0l7y.png (http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/greatwytY/media/scrubber%20plan%203_zpsnmjv0l7y.png.html)

in this option i use a pvc pipe or gutter pipe to allow my down flow water to run it, it will have a slit down the middle allowing for water to run down the sheet or 2 separate sheets with light exposure

your advice will be appreciated


03-31-2015, 02:45 PM
Welcome from South Africa.

The 2-sided would be more powerful, for the same screen size and wattage. Is a bit harder to clean though. Just make sure you can remove the screen from the slot for cleaning.

The horizontal would still need screen. But would be very easy to lift up and spray it with a hose for cleaning (no slot to clean).

If you have lots of vertical space above the sump, your decision would be between stronger filtering, or easier cleaning.

04-01-2015, 12:26 AM
aaah Okay. thanks for the input. almost all of the Algae Scrubber reading i have been doing has had Santa Monica somewhere close by. very glad to have some of your advice

04-01-2015, 05:21 AM
Welcome from South Africa.

The 2-sided would be more powerful, for the same screen size and wattage. Is a bit harder to clean though. Just make sure you can remove the screen from the slot for cleaning.

The horizontal would still need screen. But would be very easy to lift up and spray it with a hose for cleaning (no slot to clean).

If you have lots of vertical space above the sump, your decision would be between stronger filtering, or easier cleaning.

i think im going to go with the horizontal, i can make the tray quite long, this would spread the water out thinner and give me more surface area. also going to give it a slight diagonal slant to ease run off, do you think i should do anything to assist gas exchange? or will the run off be fine?

04-01-2015, 09:46 AM
The more slant, the better it will work. You want turbulent flow. This will also do plenty of exchange.