View Full Version : To skim or not to skim. That is the question.

04-02-2015, 07:51 AM
Do many people still run a protein skimmer alongside their ATS?
If you run a protein skimmer is it the correct size for your tank volume or other?
If you continue to run a skimmer with your ATS how is it performing and any noticeable difference in the amount and or colour of the skimmate?
If you continue to run a skimmer with your ATS why and have you removed it only to put it back?
Any other observations and comments on the use or otherwise of running a skimmer with an ATS welcome.

04-03-2015, 01:14 AM
i removed my skimmer since i started using ats... all the coral are fine, the fish also fine, the water also clear.. why would u still run a skimmer for..? waisting electricity

04-03-2015, 02:08 AM
i why would u still run a skimmer for..? waisting electricity
I wiuld continue to use a skimner if it removed something the ATS didn't so well. I would continue to use a skimmer if it improved water quality. I would continue to use a skimmer if it aided the oxygen content of the water. I would continue to use a skimmer if it aided gas exchange.That's why I asked the question.

04-03-2015, 05:55 AM
The reason people keep multiple filtration systems running is because what if one fails? For any reason, lots of reasons. Also skimmers are not just nutrient export, there are functions that skimmers can/may provide beyond that. One for sure is aeration. But there may be others that aren't understood as there are many aspects of reefkeeping that are poorly researched or poorly understood. But I don't think you need a skimmer any larger than one that is "rated" for your volume, if even half that. Going too big is bad.

What is comes down to is a choice in what is best for your tank, and best for you.

04-03-2015, 12:34 PM
The reason people keep multiple filtration systems running is because what if one fails? For any reason, lots of reasons. Also skimmers are not just nutrient export, there are functions that skimmers can/may provide beyond that. One for sure is aeration. But there may be others that aren't understood as there are many aspects of reefkeeping that are poorly researched or poorly understood. But I don't think you need a skimmer any larger than one that is "rated" for your volume, if even half that. Going too big is bad.

What is comes down to is a choice in what is best for your tank, and best for you.

Is what I more or less said above.