View Full Version : Show us your Mature Scrubber Pictures!
10-09-2009, 04:28 PM
Hey I asked SM to post some pics of his mature scrubber and he is doing so, on another thread, then I just thought why not start a thread to see how others are making out having installed them for a period of time and they are now mature/growing out fully.
Im interested to see frontal shots *(vs from the side or top) or full semi close up shots of the screens/mesh/whatever of your scrubbers when they are MATURE. SM seems to be pulling out bowls full of thick green hair like Algae weekly off his sure others are doing same..
Mine is just starting out which I am documenting Under "Designs" Titled "Simple New Zip Tie Free scrubber design"
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=331 (
So lets see some pics of your MATURE scrubbers in action and your scrapings!
First I included some good instructions how to post pictures on threads.. if you already know, just ignore! and scroll on down! :D
10-09-2009, 07:08 PM
For those of you that are challenged to post pictures on the net in threads here, ( i think there are many) or anywhere else for that matter.... Here are some tips I hope you find handy. Here is a great easy way to SAVE any images you find on the Web to your C drive, and or place any images that are ONLINE into any forum/thread/reply like this Scrubber forum. The “capture/grab/copy insert IMG” process is pretty much the same with ANY forum that allows you to post images into threads.
Basically in a nutshell, this process shows you how to: Upload your Own pictures to a hosting site, and get the exact location URL of the image(s) once uploaded or found on the WEB, just by using the mouse's right click and left click menues by using select/save/copy/paste options, to post images into a thread.
To show any IMAGE in a reply, you MUST use the "IMG" HTML tag found on the reply toolbar or have the "IMG" tag ALDREADY placed in the URL!
To use the IMG tag place the cursor where you want the image to show up, click the image tag. This will insert the IMG Code into the post will look like this . TCAREFULLY place your cursor between the middle to brackets and use the RIGHT mouse button to choose option "PASTE" to put the Address/URL between the tags
The next few posts, I show you how to put the images URL into a thread to show the pictures. Usually, you will use the right click "save" image menu option just to save any image you find on the Web, on your C drive, which will enable you to upload later from your own HD, but you can also insert it imediately/ automatically into a thread, just by using the "IMG" code on the reply toolbar.
1. Take/locate all of your pictures, put them all in easy to find folder (even on desktop) Save your pictures locally on C drive where you can browse to them later (try to make it easy location!)
2 Join Photobucket's FREE UPLOAD image SITE, and sign up for an account.
3. Using the methods described below, “grab” an image on the web to post in your reply, You simply copy/paste/save the ADDRESS/URL of the image and post your images URL/ADDRESS into a thread using mouse's right click “Copy/PASTE” menu, and or the forum's “IMG” tag button, (Grey toolbar button found on the toolbar above every reply message/thread to RT)
10-09-2009, 07:10 PM
STEP 1: Store/UPLOAD or FIND on the Web the image's ADDRESS/URL: this is the part you want to post in a thread to make the picture show up.
To Store/UPLOAD: You need to put your images on the Web. To do this you UPLOAD them to a FREE Image hosting site like PHOTOBUCKET or any other free hosting site you want.
To upload your photos on PB: Log into your photo bucket account.. Using the "UPLOAD" feature inside PB, BROWSE to the location on C Drive where you saved your images.. then choose the image (s) you want to Upload to your account. Use "UPLOAD" feature to upload your pictures from C drive to your photobucket page once you have the image selected on C drive. Then, to get to see ALL YOUR images, Choose "View Album" within your photo bucket account. All you pictures should appear.
To Find: Simply locate ANY image you want to post in a thread on the Web. Right click directly on the image itself with Right MOUSE button. (if it allows you to, some won't) A window opens, and a menu should appear with several options... Look down the list at the bottom, you will see “PROPERTIES” Left click on “PROPERTIES.” another window opens... You will see another option called “ADDRESS/URL” . This is the location on the Web of the image. This is the URL you want to copy. To copy/select the url to paste simply... Place the mouse cursor over he address starting at the HTTP, left Click and DRAG the mouse cursor over the Adddress. Make SURE you Select the COMPLETE URL using LEFT CLICK of the mouse highlight the entire URL (turns blue etc) and Right click and choose “COPY” from the mouse menu.
Then come back to the forum and use the "IMG" tag to insert the copied URL into your post between the image tags. When you hit the IMG button on the menu, it will insert code into the thread where your curser was looking like this " [IMG][IMG]" Next, Carefully place curser BETWEEN the brackets Right click and choose "PASTE" from the mouse menue. when done correctly is should look like this
" [IMG]http://your image is placed [IMG]"
It is very easy to mess this up by not placing the mouse cursor correctly in between the IMG tag codes, just make sure you have TWO brackets around each [IMG] tag on both sides...
Continued on next post
10-09-2009, 07:13 PM
There are basically two types of image URL's/ADDRESSES that I will cover:
1. Photo Bucket Tagged Images with "IMG" tag already included in the URL/Address: This type is found on Photo bucket image property options.
2. Non tagged image URL/Addresses taken from the web: These do NOT have "IMG" tag placed in Address/URL address.
Tagged Images: Found On Photo bucket and possibly elsewhere:
A nice feature of PB is that you can get an URL/Address of the picture complete with the "IMG" HTML tag ALREADY inserted in the URL, Which makes it really easy and ready to go for copy and paste the Address/URL quickly into your reply, WITHOUT using the IMG tag button found in this forum and others. To get your tagged Image from PB Its easy: First browse/Upload your images to PB, then log onto your photo bucket account, On the "PHOTOS" page you will see a link "MY Album" above your images on the log in page. Click this link. A new Album page opens with a larger version of your uploaded photos.
Once on this page in "My Album" they provide you with a pop up window with various URL copy options for the images you have uploaded and that you want to share. Simply place your mouse cursor/roll over the image you want to post and a tan menu should pop up with several options i.e.. "E mail/IM, Direct LInk Code, HTML Code, and IMG Code"..
Select the "IMG Code" option at the bottom: To copy this code simply LEFT click on the partial code window's white text/address field with the URL/ADDRESS shown. It will turn BLUE when selected. Left clicking any part of the URL will automatically copy the ENTIRE URL without having to DRAG the mouse over the URL. This is handy and very important feature, it makes sure you dont miss any part of the URL, if you did, the image will NOT appear in the thread. Once you have the IMG Code highlighted, Right Click on the highlighted area and choose "COPY" from the mouse menu.
Now you have the image's Address/URL complete with "IMG" tag ALREADY inserted into the URL ready to paste into your reply. To insert the image into any reply, simply place the curser where you want the image to appear, then right click and choose" PASTE" from the mouse menu. THATS IT!
If done correctly the image should show up in the reply without needing to use the Forum's "IMG" code.
10-09-2009, 08:50 PM
Non Tagged Images:
If you are NOT able to get a complete IMG URL from the image itself by right clicking on it (usually you cannot as it wont come complete with IMG tag unless u use PB or other photo upload site with this option) use Properties/ADDRESS/URL of the image, using right click copy ADDRESS/URL Then to Post the IMAGES into your reply/thread, you first select where you want to put the image using cursor. Then using the Forum's "IMG" tags/button, you insert the URL between the [IMG] codes to show the photo in the forum.
Normally (except with your Photo bucket images) you CANNOT get the URL/ADDRESS complete with the "IMG" tag already insterted into your copied URL. So you typically MUST use the "IMG" tag to place the images in your reply from most images you find/copy/upload to/from the web.
Its very easy to use right click copy and Paste and saved/uploaded images into forums once you know how!
Good luck, and looking foward to seeing your Mature Scrubber pictures!
PS a good image size is bout 300x500 pxl. saved in .jpg format!
10-13-2009, 02:15 AM
10-13-2009, 12:17 PM
Now thats what im talking about!
thanks for posting...
what amt, wattage and color temp lights you using?
Hey I have a question for you about the velocity and tenacity of your water flow, is your water "spraying/gushing" out of the pvc pipe with good movement across the sceens or is it more of a moderate to strong trickle, then cascading gently down it over the Hair Algae/Screen?
Just courious what your flow level looks like say if there wasnt ALGAE right below those holes.. like how intese is the flow of water out of the holes ie..
I want to figure how much flow is actually needed across the screen for the scrubber to work and algae to grow in. You have excellent growth on there so your method is a good place to start
10-13-2009, 11:51 PM
I use 45w energy saver 4000k lamps. 2700k will be better. That screen was overgrown though. It had been growing for 3 weeks already. My flow is moderate. Just enough to keep the screen wet. IMO the overriding factor should be lighting. Having said that, I think that more flow is better than less.
10-14-2009, 11:46 PM
is that 45W and Equivalent or true wattage?
ie 23W Lamp = 90W equivalent?
Or is it 45W true wattage = like 120W Equivalent?
How many bulbs and what type are you using? (typical exterior floods with clamps?)
Can you post a link to the bulbs you are using? You have some really good growth there.. looking good!
That green hair is amazing
10-15-2009, 01:26 AM
45W, true wattage. It's another type of algae, not GHA. My build is at the bottom of this page: ... post283207 (
11-04-2009, 06:34 AM
Ok. My scrubber has been set up on my 125 fresh tank for a bit.
My nitrates and ammonia are zero (which is great, as my well water is 35ppm nitrates, so water changes aren't helping). I am, however, currently using ion exchange resins in this tank to insure the nitrate level is in check. I have stopped using them for 5 days now, so we'll see how the scrubber fairs. The bio load is medium.
Here are some pics of the third cleaning of the screen.
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