View Full Version : SM: Surf 4x

06-18-2015, 09:27 AM
Hey SM-

Buddy of mine got his surf scrubber from you about two weeks ago. I wasnt there when he set it up, but it sounded pretty simply.

Its about ten days, and there is no growth to speak of. However, he does not have it on a timer, and its running 24 hours a day.

I believe i know the answer, but would algae not grow at ALL if lights were left on all the time? He wanted me to ask you, so here I am.I told him in needs to be on 18 hours a day, but he tried telling me something should still have grown in there.


06-18-2015, 10:13 AM
Correct, the light is too strong. Should be low power (1 cord plugged in) for 18 hours.

Also, probably should cover half the light with a black cloth.

06-23-2015, 02:08 PM

It's been five days since he put the light on a timer, 18 on, 6 off. He just has the one light plugged in. He checked on it today, and there is no growth, no slime or algae to speak of.

I have not seen the scrubber yet physically, but is there anything I can tell him as far as tuning and adjustments go? Or is it pretty much straightforward, turn key?

Is 5 days long enough to see some type of growth, or is that not long enough?

Thank you

06-23-2015, 04:02 PM
If it's bone white, then half the leds should be covered with a cloth.

06-23-2015, 04:32 PM
What sort of.cloth can be used? Sock or rag?

06-23-2015, 05:35 PM
T shirt is fine.

A pic first would help.

06-25-2015, 02:05 PM
I was there today, it did appear like green dust was starting to grow around thenbox, and some on the strings.

He said that was not there as of a few days ago when he checked.

I took a piece of black plastic, and covered half of the LEDs (only one plug still in) so half of the 6 LEDs on are covered.

I attached a pic, does that little green stuff look normal for a surf4x running about two weeks or so?

Also, is the water in the chamber (in the surf) supposed to be rough, or fast moving? I thought it was supposed to be rather tame and calm

06-25-2015, 06:06 PM
It is supposed to be like boiling soup.

Can't really see into the box, but if nutrients are low in the water then the low power (1 plug, which is 6 LEDs) was probably still too strong. The 4x is a very strong light. So we'll see in another week with the light half covered.

06-25-2015, 06:50 PM
Sounds like a plan. Boiling water is a good description of what I saw.

And you may have meant it, but the nutrients on this tank are super high. (You wrote low)

Leave it this way for a week and see what it.does.

06-25-2015, 08:45 PM
I meant low, but forgot they were high. Shows how strong the lights are.