View Full Version : 1st Waterfall ATS build

06-19-2015, 05:25 AM
This is my first attempt at a ATS. I did a lot of research and this is what I came up with for my tank.

This was the design
http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/120%20Reef/ATS1_zps4w0jg6lc.png (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/120%20Reef/ATS1_zps4w0jg6lc.png.html)

Frame built
http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/DCF0639D-71B0-4B05-AC0F-CD5632DA592E_zps4jmocmf3.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/DCF0639D-71B0-4B05-AC0F-CD5632DA592E_zps4jmocmf3.jpg.html)

Video, kinda hard to tell but you can by the bubbles in the water I ramped the controller for the pump from minimum to max.


Front lights installed
http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/B300EFD1-78B1-4972-8C90-6B0A829810F0_zpsmm1i8vcc.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/B300EFD1-78B1-4972-8C90-6B0A829810F0_zpsmm1i8vcc.jpg.html)

Quick Vid with the lights on


There will be lights on the back of the screen as well, just don't have them only 2 of the 4 lights came in yesterday, will be in today.

So this is the issue I'm having and why I built this. I also just added a ReefCleaners pack yesterday as well, before I only had about 5 scarlet hermits and 7-10 Astrea snails.

http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/165C03A0-3ACB-43E0-AC20-35234191978F_zpsi7dwjvkl.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/165C03A0-3ACB-43E0-AC20-35234191978F_zpsi7dwjvkl.jpg.html)

http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/5A344D32-DC28-48B0-9103-8280F638E911_zps0vhqapvb.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/5A344D32-DC28-48B0-9103-8280F638E911_zps0vhqapvb.jpg.html)

And here was the tank about 3 months after if was set-up (about 6 montha ago).

http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/120%20Reef/29AEDC73-8F30-43CE-890B-5EEF6D1987A6_zpsu234g3aw.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/120%20Reef/29AEDC73-8F30-43CE-890B-5EEF6D1987A6_zpsu234g3aw.jpg.html)

http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/120%20Reef/6B8DE67D-1B59-48E6-AF6F-F8CEEFF1F1C3_zpsbmbeydx7.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/120%20Reef/6B8DE67D-1B59-48E6-AF6F-F8CEEFF1F1C3_zpsbmbeydx7.jpg.html)

06-19-2015, 11:05 AM
Nice setup I especially like the idea of the stand that you came up with as I never would of thought of that.

My only question is do you think you lose flow by allowing the stand to fill with water. I think it would increase head pressure slightly but I could be wrong.

06-19-2015, 11:55 AM
Nice setup I especially like the idea of the stand that you came up with as I never would of thought of that.

My only question is do you think you lose flow by allowing the stand to fill with water. I think it would increase head pressure slightly but I could be wrong.

If the stand is filled with water then there is no where for more water to flow inside the stand. What goes into the pipe all comes out the slot, there isn't anywhere else to go. My thoughts anyways. You could install ball vales at either end of the vertical bar and cut the water off is desired but I don't think it would have any effect.

06-19-2015, 12:39 PM
If the stand is filled with water then there is no where for more water to flow inside the stand.

I thought about that just wasn't sure if there was any additional pressure trying to push more water into a given area but you are probably right

06-19-2015, 03:34 PM

Your rocks are still developing periphyton; will take another 6 month or so to be thick.

Looks like phosphate is coming out of the rocks.

06-20-2015, 05:00 PM
made a splash shield from a sheet of acrylic. Just cut in half and drilled some holes across the top for zip ties .

http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l169/JSchwab45212/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/457B9723-DFA6-42C2-B313-9C27EFDA66D8_zps67ngygxh.jpg (http://s96.photobucket.com/user/JSchwab45212/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/457B9723-DFA6-42C2-B313-9C27EFDA66D8_zps67ngygxh.jpg.html)

06-20-2015, 07:35 PM
Nice basic design; should do well.

06-22-2015, 09:31 AM
Nice basic design; should do well.

Thanks, if I decide to revise the design in the future and build 2.0 what would you change?

06-22-2015, 10:27 AM
A quick-release screen attachment, so you don't have to cut and re-do the zip ties.