View Full Version : Algae scrubber for 300g

12-16-2015, 03:19 PM
so I have a 11x9 scrubber powered by a separate pump. I had CFLs on there, but it didn't take off as I'd like. So I got these ebay growlights and I'm already noticing significant chunks growing in 2days worth. So far we're on day 6.

As for the tank and feeding, I feed my tangs alot sometimes 4-5 times a day so hopefully this will make sense.

Couple things:

What else can I use to cover the slot from algae growing into it other than black wrap?

How can I keep the upright pipe standing still without leaning front or back? I have a small piece of flex tubing that converts my pump's output to PVC and I'm guessing the flextubing is just bending here and there.

12-16-2015, 07:39 PM
A piece of thin black plastic bent into an upside down "U" can be used; a thin sheet of styrene from a hobby shop works.

How about tie a string from the middle bar to the side bars.

11-04-2017, 06:29 PM
Thanks that worked.

Any issues with extending the width of the scrubber making it wider than the vertical height? I have a 150g stock tank as a sump and would like to use the space wisely. My scrubber grows ton of algae but my nutrients/feeding habits requires a larger scrubber

11-04-2017, 06:57 PM
No problem with wider, as long as you increase flow, and add light to cover the extra screen.