View Full Version : To pre filter or not to pre filter that is the question.

03-07-2016, 07:52 AM
Hi SM I have a question I hope you can help answer for me. I have a new 450ltrs Aquarium inc sump. I have use filter sock on my current tank but have never seen any pods either in the bare sump or on the GHA on my DIY waterfall scrubber when I clean it etc. I am thinking this time maybe I should ditch the filter sock all together with my new build.
The sump I have was/is set up for the Triton method but will not use that method at all. The sump consists of a large first chamber section that the water from my DT drops into via a ball valve There is a smaller second section I intend to put my protein skimmer into after the the scrubber. Then finally an end chamber for the return pump. So what are your thoughts, shall I ditch the pre-filter sock or retain it for my new tank? Thanks.

03-07-2016, 03:57 PM
I would not use a sock. Or a skimmer. Both remove food particles that feed your periphyton and corals, and neither remove nutrients.

03-07-2016, 04:01 PM
I would not use a sock. Or a skimmer. Both remove food particles that feed your periphyton and corals, and neither remove nutrients.

Well I am a firm believer in skimming but we shall see. A filter sock I can do without and see how it goes. Thanks for your advice SM I appreciate it.