View Full Version : ats for nano reef

05-05-2016, 01:57 PM
mt question is

i want to make a algae scrubber for my nano reef tank.
but i don't know wich one i should make.

one with an airstone on the bottom or should i make the one where the water flows over the plastic mesh?

and then the lightning ? i wanna use led . but is it possible to use a 10w (or two 10w) floodlights or is it better to use te red leds mixed with blue leds?



05-05-2016, 02:01 PM
Welcome from Belgium,

For nano the underwater-upflow version is usually best, with an airstone. But if you can post a picture of the back of your aquarium then it will be easier to recommend.

You want plant-grow LEDs, not flood lights. Reds only. Or red+blue.

05-05-2016, 02:16 PM

at the back of the tank there's is nothing , i can either set up an upflow or an regular ats, i have nu sump.
i bought a rectangle canister (3litre) that i want to use to make one.

so i have many questions about wich one i should build,
i'm gonna put a smal pump in the tank to feed the scrubber.
that's why i can choose for either a regular ats or an upflow)

my other question is , what about the extra bubbles in the tank , which options to reduce those in the tank?

about the leds , the red ones are this the 660nm or should i mix different kind of red?


(i wanna use an scrubber to lower the no3 and po4

05-05-2016, 05:04 PM
Post some pics of the tank and cannister.