View Full Version : Ats sump design

05-19-2016, 11:02 AM
I'm a newbie and have a 55 gallon "patch reef", well the beginnings of one. I'm currently using a hob filter, but would like to do a sump with an ATS. I have the flow rates and what I would like to do with the ATS, which wil be a waterfall style. My question is sump design, how do I go about this with the plumbing? Does anybody have a diagram that I could use. I plan on running the ATS off of my overflow, which will be a pvc overflow as my tank is not drilled. I may or may not add a refugium if the design would allow for it. Thanks in advance.

05-19-2016, 06:06 PM
That's a pretty open ended question. How big is your sump? How big is your scrubber going to be?

There are lots and lots of ways to skin this cat. If I was using the overflow for a scrubber I would T off the drain and put a valve of some sort to control the flow into the scrubber. I would also have a second emergency drain of some kind. Knowing what you have in mind would help though.


05-19-2016, 06:42 PM

Does not sound like you have an emergency overflow. If not the little "drain to sump" in the picture should handle it.

05-19-2016, 07:27 PM
I guess in my mind I was planning on putting a second pvc overfl for emergecy, so my understanding woud be this would be overflowing into the sump but nmnot filtering? The siz of the algae scrubber would be the recommended size for 55g on the diy forums. A question I have is how to keep the water level s in the sump, should I use baffles? Most sump diagrams I looked at have multiple baffles? Sorry for my ignorance but this will be the first sump I've ever used.

05-19-2016, 09:01 PM
A second overflow would just dump into the sump, correct. Most sumps come with baffles, so you probably will not have to decide on that. And besides, with a scrubber, the levels in the sump don't really matter.

If you want, draw up a diagram and we'll see it there are any problems.

05-20-2016, 07:08 AM
Thank-you all for your help. I attempted to draw a diagram and no such luck. I think I will use the diagram posted above to keep it simple. The sump is just an ordinary 10 gallon. I would just put the return pump on the opposite side. I'll forego the refugium at this point.

05-20-2016, 05:58 PM
A refugium can be added easily later, with just a basket or tray to hold some sand etc, set on the bottom.

05-21-2016, 08:00 AM
I incorporated ATS into the sump design , it worked out well. It can sit lower than an from the top ats and not worry about the lighting getting wet. A little trickier to build than just a rectangle sump but still pretty easy with any diy skills.

I did recently take this tank down so no longer it service. http://algaescrubber.net/forums/showthread.php?3131-75g-Soft-only-tank

Gravity feed directly from herbie overflow ( advantage of herbie style is you have no air bubbles ). water exits through a mouse hole in the ats porttion so no plumbing and again no salt spray or air bubbles.


05-23-2016, 08:39 PM
So the algae scrubber is at the end in that picture? I think I'm going to takeadvice and make a diagram of what I'm thinking. I'm on vacation so it may not be for a few days.Everyone has been very helpful!

05-24-2016, 06:45 AM
Yep all in one sump the right side the ATS. Union fitting is above the sump so when you take it off or any drips it just drips into the sump. Water exits the ATS through a mouse hole on the side that is shared by the sump. It maximizes the screen height vs sitting on top of sump without having the leds have to sit too low or need to water proof them. Above tank ATS designs can cause some salt creep which is eliminated since the water just flows to the other side through the mouse hole no bubbles.