View Full Version : Algae scrubber on FW riparium?

06-24-2016, 12:18 AM
Like in the title. Do you recon it would work? I have serious water supply problem and I'm in a rented house and living with parents which makes RO impossible. So I found this forum and after some reading I have mixed feelings.

Some of the posts said that algae scrubber can accompany plants, some said algae will eat nutrients way faster than plants and that adjusting it is hard. But all that was regarding water plants.....

My tap water is super hard 160, ph 8, nitrates 40-80, phosphates 5!, and I have old pipe system so I bet I got loads of metals in it as well. No aquatic plants survive! they supposed to love my water, but even Anubias is dying! Algae is 'consuming' everything!!!!! I gave up at some point with cleaning and draining the tank and left the algae be. After 2 weeks my tank was black, covered in brown algae :( I cleaned the substrate and went bare bottom, removed most plants and started a riparium, fish and emerged plants r healthy so I guess I'm doing something right.

The system is heavily stocked with oversized bio filter and mechanical filter with loads of stages to remove poops from the display, I keep polypterus and large Central American cichlids. I never have any problems with ammonia or nitrite and apart from horrible water parameters the system is very stable. The diet compose of whitebait every other day, one for each poly plus pellets, and twice a day pellet feeding for the cichlids with one siesta day. So I also have a hard time sizing the scrubber. Rules of thumb are based on frozen food in a cube... There r millions of containers with varying cube sizes....

Any input will be appreciated :)

06-24-2016, 03:58 PM
Algae scrubber discussion aside, if you have nitrate and phosphate in your tap water, I would build one of these.


06-24-2016, 09:16 PM
Welcome from UK.

Many people use scrubbers in planted tanks, and yours should be fine too. As far as the scrubber out-competing the plants, if you get that far, it would be a good problem to have. Mean time, you will just be remove excess nutrients and clearing up the tank.

As for tap, a scrubber will certainly help clean the water chemically, as would of course the technique in Joey's video. Interestingly, some FW people use vitamin C to break down chloramines into chlorine+ammonia overnight; the chlorine evaporates, and the ammonia feeds the plants. Well, algae produces vitamin C, and eats ammonia. So yes, it can all work together.

06-29-2016, 06:06 AM
yay! hahaha yes I have a little bottle with phosphate remover+carbon+seachem purigen. they do a good work of removing SOME junk from my tap water but no matter how slow i let the water through (super painful on my 180g!!!) it will always leave some unwanted chemichals behind. together with my overstocked tank its just a recepie for a disaster! haha ok i will do a test drive on my 55g and see how it goes :D i will post progress!

so far im designing the thing to fit in between filter outlets. it will be 3D printed like almost everything in this tank haha fingers crossed!