06-25-2016, 02:12 PM
I have an A4 sized DIY waterfall ATS supplied by a Jebao 2000 pump and 2x 20w (run at around 14w) Chinese LED unit lighting the screen from both sides. LED units are made up of 4 blue 16 red leds.
My second ATS is a Santa Monica Surf2.
These 2 ATS's have been on about 2 montsh now
My Surf 2 is growing nice light green GHA nicely
My DIY waterfall is growing a much darker green more sloppy kind of algae.
So a few questions.
1/Why the different algae growth in each of my ATS's?
2/ Is it good to have 2 different types of algae growing?
3/ Should I increase the light in my DIY scrubber?
4/ Is my water flow enough?
5/ Is this tyoe of algae more to do what it is using feeding on in my tank water?
The screen grows this almost slime type algae across the whole screen.
My Last A5 size DIY ATS grew a very similar algae for a number of months before it started growing the lighter GHA well using the same LED lights.
Thank you.
My second ATS is a Santa Monica Surf2.
These 2 ATS's have been on about 2 montsh now
My Surf 2 is growing nice light green GHA nicely
My DIY waterfall is growing a much darker green more sloppy kind of algae.
So a few questions.
1/Why the different algae growth in each of my ATS's?
2/ Is it good to have 2 different types of algae growing?
3/ Should I increase the light in my DIY scrubber?
4/ Is my water flow enough?
5/ Is this tyoe of algae more to do what it is using feeding on in my tank water?
The screen grows this almost slime type algae across the whole screen.
My Last A5 size DIY ATS grew a very similar algae for a number of months before it started growing the lighter GHA well using the same LED lights.
Thank you.