View Full Version : In Sump waterfall scrubber. Waste removal system.

07-05-2016, 05:46 PM
This is my old scrubber, inside a Oceanic model 75 trickle filter. The two tank stand was all built in the last 6 months. Still have some things to do.6634
The sump is for the middle 75 gallon and the 30 gallon cube, (The fish Hatchery). On the bottom.
This is the pre filter box. It has a sluice tray that will push the bigger solids out of the water flow.6635
This airlift is my tanks central vacume, all the solids will end up here eventually. I use a turkey baster to blow out the corners. The substrate is very fine sand, maybe 3/8" deep. It will turn black ,H2s pockets if not disturbed regularly.

The scrubber, hangs on a lip with ss steel hooks.6638
Plumbing it in, was the hard part, The scrubber has two 3/8" siphons pulling unfiltered water from the weir part of the W/D.
The hoses fit inside 1/2" hose easily. Which fits 3/4" heavy wall pvc. Nothing is glued, easy to modify.
The Gem lights are suctioned to the glass, I cut a mirror that slides down between the cups. And 3 sides are mirror.
The hose on top, is the return from the 55 gallon water chiller in the basement, which also serves as a water changer, tank refiller.
The hatchery. Allows room for 3 different groups of fry, I am probably going to put a scrubber in here also.