View Full Version : Surf 2XX Progress check

07-28-2016, 10:02 AM
I installed this scrubber 6 weeks ago with only one light plugged in and the cloth on half of the lights. I ran that for the first two weeks and then pulled the cloth off, and left only half the lights plugged in. I am running the fusion 700 air pump. I feed approx 1-1 1/2 cubes a day for a 93 cube w/ 40br sump.

I started out with 18 hours, then after 4 weeks I moved that to 17 hours and that's currently what I am running.
Week 1:
End of week 4:
Week 5:

I can get a current picture later today, if wanted. I am thinking on reducing the hours (16 total) now due to the yellowish slimy, but seeing more dark green around the air inlet holes. I have brushed away as much of the slime, by hand, when I can.

Is there anything that I'm doing that needs to be adjusted or doing incorrectly or not at all?


07-28-2016, 11:02 AM

Still should be just one light plugged in. And just clean the strings by hand to remove the yellow slime, but let the bottom and sides build up more thickness.

If you want you could dose iron, or feed more nori which has iron. This often helps yellow growth darken.

Nutrients do seem low in the water, what do they measure? Are you running pellets or gfo?

07-28-2016, 02:12 PM
Thank you, I will work on the strings and I can feed more some more nori.

I'm afraid my nitrate reading wouldn't be very fair, I have copious amounts of bryopsis in my DT.

08-04-2016, 07:56 AM
6 days later picture, I've been aggravating the strings once a day to "remove" any of the yellow growth.

Looks like that has been helping...

08-04-2016, 07:41 PM
Ok let it keep going as is for another week. If it darkens up more, plug the other light in.

08-25-2016, 06:25 PM
Hey bud, sorry I didn't get much of a chance to reply. I saw your note on plugging the other light in a week ago and I did that. Here are the results as of
And today:

The two outside holes were blocked up with algae, I now know why there were some extra bubbles coming from below the unit for a couple days. I pulled out those little chunks, just as I was unclogging the holes and making sure all the strings were out and about.

What do you think?

08-25-2016, 07:52 PM
Seems fine for not having any circulation. Keep the holes open, both lights plugged in, and let's see it in a week or so.