10-14-2016, 10:58 AM
Ok, this is my third tank that will be using only algae as filtration. Previous tanks were only 40 gallons and my scrubbers worked great with a deep sand bed. This tank is 180 gallons with water pumped up to 2 30 gallons containers over the tank that surge back about 10 gallons each with a flapper valve. One container I have as a refugium and the other is going to have a scrubber. Also a shallow sand bed in the main tank. My issue......This tank has been set up for 7 months and I still have no hair algae growing anywhere. I've always used my tanks as a bit of an experiment to see how little equipment I can get away with and still have a nice tank. I live near San Diego and I'm using scripps water (natural sea water pumped through sand filters used by the Scripps aquarium). I collected my own macro algae from the sea and that has been in the refugium since I first added fish. Not sure if this is why I'm not getting hair algae. I have 4 fish and about 6 or 7 corals in the tank. The tank has no mechanical filtration and my nitrate/nitrite readings have always been very low. I add fish and coral very slowly. Soon after starting the thank, I had the normal cyano outbreak but it was a green variety. This lasted a couple months and then receded. I thought diatoms were coming and then hair algae. A couple months went by with no other issues but still no hair algae. Recently, I had a diatom outbreak and now I have red cyano. I'm doing at least monthly 20% water changes and even 10% every couple weeks. The water is free, so why not. I do have an experimental scrubber set up in one container. I have some rough plastic screen set up in the inter tidal area as the water rises and falls for the surge. Not sure if it will work this way. 7 months in with no hair algae seems strange to me. My observation of my current methods is that I'm at the mercy of whatever wants to grow. It seems that I really don't need to worry about nitrates with this method as something is always using it to grow.
Anyone have an idea of why no hair algae or is this normal for this size tank? Might it be the macro I added first?
Anny input would be awesome.
Thank you.
Anyone have an idea of why no hair algae or is this normal for this size tank? Might it be the macro I added first?
Anny input would be awesome.
Thank you.