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View Full Version : Does different light grow different algae?

11-19-2016, 03:50 AM
I ask the question as I have a DIY waterfall ATS with red and some blue LED's lit from both sides. This scrubber grows a dark GHA which grows thick dark GHA but the GHA strands are not so long. I harvest it every 7 to 10 days. This is lit by 2 x 30w hydroponics grow LED lights actual run at about 24w each.

My other ATS is a surf 2 which sits under my DIY waterfall scrubber. The algae grown in that is a much lighter green and grows long strands. I harvest that at the same time as my waterfall scrubber usually.
I am aware that the strength of light may affect the colour of the GHA grown so I guess that could be the reason but am wondering if I am growing a different species of GHA in each.

11-19-2016, 08:29 PM
Color of growth is just a ratio of light to nutrients. If light is higher, color of growth is lighter. If nutrients are higher, color of growth is darker. A SURF scrubber with it's enclosed white box will reflect more light and make it brighter, and will recirculate water inside to reduce nutrients further to make it more brighter.

11-20-2016, 02:12 PM
Color of growth is just a ratio of light to nutrients. If light is higher, color of growth is lighter. If nutrients are higher, color of growth is darker. A SURF scrubber with it's enclosed white box will reflect more light and make it brighter, and will recirculate water inside to reduce nutrients further to make it more brighter.

Thanks, that clears up my confusion.