11-24-2016, 12:37 PM
Hi SM,
With your help, I’ve now built 2 UAS scrubbers equivalent to the HOG1xs with the goal of going skimmerless; both on for 18 hours a day. My bioload and feeding is very light and as a result am growing GHA in the scrubber slowly (My specs and feeding below). I am thinking to turn off my skimmer or at least run on a timer for 12 hours to increase my nutrients to therefore increase GHA growth in my scrubbers.
Week 1 (second scrubber added this week)
My questions;
Do you suggest I turn my skimmer off or on for 12 hours daily, or feed more?
What should I look for to know to turn the skimmer on or increase skimming time? How much more to feed?
I have a Seachem ammonia alert badge. Would this suffice to alert if things are dangerously high, or should priority be testing for nitrates or phosphates above ammonia? (From research, I know algae spores feed on ammonia and algae itself feed on nitrates, which we want, but not at levels dangerous to my fish, inverts, and corals)
Thank you.
Specs: Established for 16 months 46 gallons, one pinch flakes daily, shrimp cube weekly, 40 lbs live rock, 2 Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, a couple LPS corals, Bubble Tip anemone, 3 Turbo snails, Hydrofarm AAPA15L adjustable quad air pump, 2 Hydor powerheads, 125W Eheim Jager heater attached to temperature controller, AquaC Remora HOB skimmer, 300W LED black box, and ATO.
With your help, I’ve now built 2 UAS scrubbers equivalent to the HOG1xs with the goal of going skimmerless; both on for 18 hours a day. My bioload and feeding is very light and as a result am growing GHA in the scrubber slowly (My specs and feeding below). I am thinking to turn off my skimmer or at least run on a timer for 12 hours to increase my nutrients to therefore increase GHA growth in my scrubbers.
Week 1 (second scrubber added this week)
My questions;
Do you suggest I turn my skimmer off or on for 12 hours daily, or feed more?
What should I look for to know to turn the skimmer on or increase skimming time? How much more to feed?
I have a Seachem ammonia alert badge. Would this suffice to alert if things are dangerously high, or should priority be testing for nitrates or phosphates above ammonia? (From research, I know algae spores feed on ammonia and algae itself feed on nitrates, which we want, but not at levels dangerous to my fish, inverts, and corals)
Thank you.
Specs: Established for 16 months 46 gallons, one pinch flakes daily, shrimp cube weekly, 40 lbs live rock, 2 Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, a couple LPS corals, Bubble Tip anemone, 3 Turbo snails, Hydrofarm AAPA15L adjustable quad air pump, 2 Hydor powerheads, 125W Eheim Jager heater attached to temperature controller, AquaC Remora HOB skimmer, 300W LED black box, and ATO.