View Full Version : Led - Watts vs Lumens

04-18-2017, 05:32 AM

I am just about to build a new scrubber. I have previously done it using a pre built light from the bay. I need to build a larger one for my FOLR setup that contains some heavy load predators.

I am at the early stages at the moment and have a couple of questions.

In regards to LEDs I tend to focus on wattage but is it really the lumens that count? I can buy a much cheaper LED and buy more of them and achieve the same sort of lumens at a fraction of the cost as the 3watt LEDs.

Unrelated to the LED question but would it make any difference if the scrubber was tall and thinner rather than wide and shorter.


04-18-2017, 12:41 PM
Not all led's are created equal. Similar led's of the same wattage will definitely have different lumens and longevity. If you can get more small led's for cheap, I would not hesitate to try them. Though, I ordered 50 3 watt leds shipped to my door from China for $20 us. 40 cents a piece is pretty cheap.


04-18-2017, 07:51 PM
It it lumens that matter, yes. But wattage is a pretty good indicator as long as everyone uses the same 3w LED pcb stars. Probably more important is distance, and focus.

Screen shape is not too important, as long is it catches most of the light or bubbles.

04-21-2017, 05:55 AM
Hi Steve and welcome to Algae Scrubbers it's Les BTW. I am not going to try and answer your question esp as it's already been answeed above. However didnt you buy some of these off the bay recently? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/30W-Customisable-LED-Grow-Lamp-Light-full-Spectrum-plant-Aquarium-Hydroponics-/272393230448?var=&hash=item3f6be6d870:m:miH-r7HDubEny9eGb9IOPAg