View Full Version : Mesh

02-04-2018, 02:14 AM
New to ATS, I'm planning to build 1 or 2 of them for my 300 galon reef aquarium. What do you think of this canvas mesh:

02-05-2018, 11:18 AM
Welcome from France.

Yes that mesh should be good. Just size it according to:

Scrubbers are sized according to feeding. Nutrients "in" (feeding) must equal nutrients "out" (scrubber growth), no matter how many gallons or liters you have. So...

An example VERTICAL upflow or waterfall screen size is 3 X 4 inches = 12 square inches of screen (7.5 X 10 cm = 75 sq cm) with a total of 12 real florescent watts (not equivalent watts) of light, or half that for LEDs, for 18 hours a day. If all 12 watts (6 watts LED) are on one side, it is a 1-sided screen. If the watts are divided on each side of the screen, it is a 2-sided screen. This should be able to handle the following amounts of daily feeding:

1 frozen cube per day (2-sided screen), or
1/2 frozen cube per day (1-sided screen), or
10 pinches of flake food per day (2-sided screen), or
5 pinches of flake food per day (1-sided screen), or
10 square inches (60 sq cm) of nori per day (2-sided screen), or
5 square inches (30 sq cm) of nori per day (1-sided screen), or
0.1 dry ounce (2.8 grams) of pellet food per day (2-sided screen), or
0.05 dry ounce (1.4 grams) of pellet food per day (1-sided screen)

Problem rocks: Each 50 pounds (2.2 kg) of nuisance algae covered rocks you have adds 1 cube a day.

Flow or air bubbles is always 24 hours; water flow is at least 35 gph per inch of width of screen [60 lph per cm], EVEN IF one sided or horizontal.

FLOATING SURFACE SCRUBBERS WITH STRINGS: Screen size is the size of the box (Length X Width), and is 2-sided because the strings grow in 3D.

Clean algae:

Every 7 to 14 days, or
When it's black, or
When it fills up, or
When algae lets go, or
When nutrients start to rise

02-05-2018, 11:58 AM
Thank you from France to California :)
I guess I'm gonna use this kind of LED: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B01B96AZZS/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I2TBW9B4XHMBQV&colid=JOIGT6Q5JHRE&psc=1, one on each side and with an equivalent surface of mesh.

02-05-2018, 12:35 PM
That wattage is too small. Looks for the 50 watt version.

02-06-2018, 11:19 PM
Anyway, I changed my mind. I think I'll buy a 5 meter long LED strip (5 red, 1 blue) for a total of 72 W.

02-08-2018, 02:49 PM
Make sure to seal it well.