View Full Version : RAIN2 - Am I on the right path ?

05-30-2020, 06:01 PM
I installed my RAIN2 on April 5th. I went through the slow startup, with one light connected until growth started, the slowly added additional lights.
I now have all 4 lights running for 18 hours/day.

I clean the algae scrubber weekly ( see pictures ) . I could go for perhaps the 14 days and then clean off the scrubber but I expect the growth to be about double as well.
I have cleaned off similar growth ( see pictures ) perhaps twice so far , so I know that overall my journey with my RAIN2 algae scrubber is still just starting.

My main goal for using the algae scrubber is for nutrient control ( my nitrates are around 25 and I have a small amount of hair algae in my display tank ). I haven't seen any change in the nitrates or hair algae so far. I do know that things take time.

I clean my off the algae weekly. To get some reduction in nitrates, should I hold off for 14 days before cleaning the algae scrubber or continue with my weekly cleaning?
How do I figure out what schedule of algae cleaning works best for me to reduce nitrates?


06-02-2020, 07:27 PM
Looking good. Try 10 days instead of 7. It's looking pretty thick and might be blocking light from reaching the roots if you go longer than that. Especially if growth is getting on the tray below, which would be a sign of letting go.

Looks like the growth ring is at the bottom of the screen (right), since the hang-tabs are on the left. The ring should fill in more, and will create more growth area.

The screen holes look to have dark growth, so brush those out so there is no more dark there.