View Full Version : Pre-made SM100 scrubbers
01-14-2010, 06:25 PM
After waiting 18 months for someone to start making scrubbers, I thought somebody would have started selling them by now. So I'm going to be offering a pre-built scrubber, almost exactly like my current one, to someone who needs a strong, compact version. I am having the box made at an acrylic shop, and then finishing it myself. The lighting units are the newest versions of the ones I'm using now, and the bulbs will be changed out to 3000K. Will have more info shortly.
01-15-2010, 05:06 PM
My wife green lighted a new 120g yesterday and I want to go skimmerless.
01-17-2010, 08:55 AM
Here are the acrylic plans if anyone want to build it. Main improvements are a shelf at the top and bottom; the top one keeps water off of the light when you lift the pipe out, and the bottom shelf keeps water from splashing up from the sump onto the light. They both act as a light-holder, and are positioned exactly to hold a Current Nova Extreme 24 inch T5HO lighting unit.
full size:
01-20-2010, 12:38 AM
I have a 90 gallon tank that I am ready to convert to an Algae Scrubber!! If you willing to sell a premade scrubber please let me know.
01-20-2010, 07:52 PM
The lighting units: Current model 1127, with bulbs replaced with 3000K. The units fit into the sides of the scrubber, between the upper and lower shelves. 48 watts each unit, for a total of 96 watts on the scrubber:
01-23-2010, 02:50 AM
Nice how much there santa?
01-23-2010, 08:35 AM
Oceanic sorry I did not see your post.
Still waiting on the finished acrylic box, which is what most of the cost is for. Everything else is standard... lights, pipe, screen.
Also I don't know if the extra items should be included: Pipe union, drain bulkhead, black tubing. These are standard aquarium items but nevertheless might be a hassle to track down and buy. Maybe two versions: One with just the acrylic, and one with lights, union, drain, tubing.
The idea for this scrubber is for it to be able to be external if desired. It could sit on top of a tank and drain in, or it could sit on a nearby shelf, and drain back. For this, everyting must be opaque black (including the tubing) to block the light.
01-26-2010, 10:18 AM
I'd be interested in the acrylic box (box only) as well. Will be following this for price info. Already have most of the plumbing/lighting on-hand so this would be pretty easy.
Oh... and very sleek design there! 8-)
01-27-2010, 05:38 PM
Here is the first box; 7 pounds of acrylic. Pics are with my 8 year old cam since my new one got stolen; will do a better write-up with pics when I get my replacement cam installed.
Here the lid and the one light is slid back:
01-28-2010, 05:57 PM
Nice. Doesn't look cheap when I think what my Vertical cost and that included NO labor.
01-31-2010, 08:38 AM
Finally here are presentable pics and a video (right click and "view image" to see entire pic)...
Video of box:
o 25 inches long (63.5 cm)
o 7.25 inches wide (18.4 cm)
o 6.5 inches tall (16.5 cm) with cover, or 6.25 inches tall (15.9 cm) without cover.
o Much stronger filtering compared to CFL-powered screens of same area and wattage.
o Very strong stand-alone filtering for a 50 gallon high-load reef tank.
o Good stand-alone filtering for a 100 gallon medium-load reef tank.
o Supplementary filtering for a 180 gallon medium-load reef tank.
o 100 square inches (645 square cm) of growable two-sided screen area, not counting the part that goes into the pipe.
o This is a high-performance scrubber, packed into a small space (which is what I wanted for the limited space under my tank). There is no wasted light; 100 percent of the light hits the screen, and is only 1.5 inches from the screen.
o The light is the same distance from the screen, from one end of the screen to the other.
o It works equally well in Fresh or Salt (but not for planted-only tanks).
o The all-black acrylic blocks out almost all light from escaping.
o The lid stops any evaporation or cooling. If you do want evaporation and cooling, just leave the lid off. If you wants LOTS of evaporation and cooling, put a fan on it. It will light up the whole room, however.
o The walls are higher than the slot, so you can leave the lid off without having to worry about sideways spraying from the slot.
o The recommended four bulbs (Current Nova Extreme model 1127) deliver about 100 watts (8000 lumens) of flourescent light. If less filtering (and less power consumption) is needed, bulbs can be removed to give you about 75, 50 or 25 watts of lighting. (You cannot reduce the flow, however)
o The unit is only 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) tall. Only a few more inches are needed above this to be able to lift out the pipe/screen.
o Has a water-tight drain which allows the unit to be placed on top of the tank, or even on a shelf, where it can drain back to the display.
o Requires 800 GPH (after head loss). Do not skimp on GPH, because the long pipe will not fill with enough water if you do. An Eheim 1260 pump works good if the scrubber is down in the sump area, but if you put the scrubber up high on a shelf above the tank, something bigger like an Eheim 1262 would be needed. I have and use both of these pumps. At the sump level, there is not much difference in flow between these two pumps, but when you have to pump up to a shelf above the display, the extra power of the 1262 (or similar) would be needed.
o The 22 inch (55.9 cm) wide screen allows much more water flow to be filtered for the same screen area; this gives more filtering per hour than a narrow screen of the same area.
o The long T5HO bulbs distribute the light evenly from one side of the screen to the other, and are only 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the screen. So there are no "burned" spots in the middle of the screen as there can be with CFL bulbs (because they put all the light into one spot).
o The box allows water to "pool" at the bottom when the algae gets thick. This creates algae that is floating in this turbulent pool, and lets the algae get more three dimensional, which lets water flow throughout the algae strands. This creates more filtering than just a flat sheet of algae.
o The top shelf keeps water from dripping on the lights when you take the screen out, and it also holds the lights in place.
o The bottom shelf keeps water from splashing up from the sump onto the lights, and also makes a wide base to keep the scrubber stable. The lights sit on this shelf.
o Replace the bulbs every 3 months. Most any K bulb below 6500 should work (including plant-grow bulbs), but F24T5HO/830 are suggested and are $7.99 from here:
o Clean your pump (run in pure vinager for a hour) every 3 months to make sure the flow stays high. If there is no longer a swirling "pool" on the bottom of the scrubber, then your pump needs cleaning.
o Acrylic box alone: Asking $289 plus shipping (plus tax if in California).
Warranty: The scrubber box comes with a one year warranty; this covers leaks/cracks in the acrylic. Warranty is for replacement or repair only; not a refund. Costs for packing and shipping to me are not covered. However I will pay for packing and shipping back to you. The serial number on the acrylic box must be the same as the one you purchased from me. The warranty continues to apply if you sell the scrubber box, but the item returned to me from the new owner must still have the serial number.
01-31-2010, 09:22 AM
Are you also going to sell it as a complete set up? Thanks Erik
01-31-2010, 10:59 AM
Yes but I have to build it first. The first time always takes the longest because you have to figure each thing out for the first time. I know it will include the black pvc pipe with slot, end cap, union, screen, drain bulkhead, top shelf cut out for power cords, bottom shelf fitted with light-holders, but I don't know if I should include black tubing for the feed and drain, since black is only needed for external use where the light has to be kept from leaking out.
01-31-2010, 12:12 PM
Looks to nice to use for a fish poop filter! :lol:
Nice SM.
01-31-2010, 01:22 PM
Round off some corners and add a touch of silver mirror and it could be the i-scrubber. Nice :D
01-31-2010, 07:52 PM
I'll have to licence the Apple logo first :)
Funny, since I work at Apple.
Great design. A serious consideration for me if (when) I give up on tinkering, and want something that actually works.
But I have to post my cost calculations.
Scrubber : $290 : 0W
Pump : Ehiem 1262 : $200 : 80W
Lighting : 2 x Nova Ext : $400 : 96W
Bulbs : 4 x $8 WWT5 = $32
Lets say screen, plumbing, misc = $50
Assume lights on 18 hrs/day. Assume $0.20/KWH.(CA)
- 80*24*365+96*18*365 = 1,330 KWH/year = $266
Assume new bulbs every 3 months.
- $32 * 4 = $128
Then all the shipping and taxes.
So up front costs ~= $1000
Yearly costs ~= $400
Not for the timid. But certainly in the area of all the other expensive stuff, like calc reactors and such.
So not meant as a complaint.
Importantly: It shows that the pre-made box, while not cheap, is FAR from being a big part of the expense.
02-03-2010, 02:36 PM
Well, the Eheim is $160, and the Nova's are only $60 each.
Also to consider, especially when comparing to skimmers (which most people will), is that even after you buy a skimmer you still need to buy and operate something to remove nitrate and phosphate, since skimmers don't do that. A scrubber really does replace a skimmer, macros, de-nitrator, gfo, waterchanges, etc.
Nevertheless, the finished acrylic version won't be near that much money.
02-03-2010, 02:59 PM
Think it's $200 for the 4x24W novas?
02-03-2010, 03:30 PM
Wow the price just went up to $75 each. You need two of these: ... u01127.htm (
Oops, I was looking at the 4x24W Nova extreme.
The 2x24W = $80, * 2 = $160
Yes, An eheim 1262 (not 1260) was $200.
Pricing was a quick look at marinedepot.
Not the lowest cost for those components I guess.
And of course, DIY lighting, ebay, and other places can shave off a whole lot more.
Yep, eliminates a lot of components.
Of course ... I already bought all those. Grrr.
But more importantly, better healthier tank, and probable less labor in the end.
02-04-2010, 02:33 AM
Will you sell a complete setup, as in pump, box, light and basic plumping? Or just light and box?
Furthermore, will you ship outside USA?
02-04-2010, 09:42 AM
I can certainly get a pump too and put it in the box, along with some tubing. Would it be for on-sump placement (where clear tubing is fine), or external placement where black tubing would be needed?
Lights are a given, for a complete unit. I think I'll keep the lights in the original boxes (with bulbs already changed out), so you will get the original warranty.
I have everything almost together for a final round of pics/video. I'm covered in black dust from cutting the pipe slot (it's amazing that you can't buy slotted pipe anywhere). I just have to glue some tabs on the shelves to hold the lights in place.
02-05-2010, 02:05 AM
But do you have an idea on the cost of the acrylic version? As you wrote earlier it wont be as expensive as this black one showcased :) I just made a quick math and the price with all would be around 700 $ and then I need to multiply with 1,33 since thats the VAT, tax and so on and so forth... Rather expensive, and yes yes I know against as good skimmer its nothing :P
02-05-2010, 06:16 AM
The black IS the acrylic. Same thing. The $289 plus shipping (plus tax if in California) is for the acrylic box as pictured. It can be other colors, or clear, but the black is to keep the light inside.
The complete unit, without pump or feed/drain tubing, will probably be less that $700 USD. I'm attaching the lights to the shelves this weekend.
02-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Here are several places to get the lights. The FW and SW versions are the same; the bulbs are the only difference (you replace the bulbs anyways). You want Model 1124 or 1127:
Note: The earlier version of these lights were only 4.5 inches deep; you want the new version which are 5.25 inches deep (the older ones work fine, but don't fit neatly between the shelves. Here are some places to buy: ... ter24.html ( ... me-24.html ( ... e=RCU01127 ( ... e=RCU01124 ( ... T5-vi.html ( rine_20_Inch_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures-Current_USA-CU01136-FILTFIT5T5-vi.html) ... T5-vi.html ( er_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures_for_Aquariums-Current_USA-CU01127-FWLTFIT5-vi.html)
02-06-2010, 01:29 PM
Ok here is the finished version, including everything except the tubing.
Lid on:
Lid off:
Can be with or without lighting units. If with lighting units, the units are shipped to you in their original boxes separately from the scrubber (and the bulbs have already replaced with 3000K); they come with a one-year warranty from Current (you fill out warranty card and mail in).
With lights: $649 USD plus shipping (shipping is 3 boxes), (plus tax if in California)
Without lights: $489 USD plus shipping (plus tax if in California)
Sweet design.
But why just one layer of screen?
In most of the forums, you really seem to push for two layers being best.
02-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Nice clean design. Well done. Well thought out.
Black sure photos bad.. :|
02-06-2010, 02:52 PM
Are you into production yet, taking orders, or just seeing who would be interested? I would be interested for a complete unit.
02-06-2010, 03:08 PM
Does it have a low radar signature ;) The stealth scrubber - seeing as licensing teh apple logo would probably be a bit too much cash! :lol:
02-06-2010, 04:56 PM
One layer, because it minimizes the harm if not cleaned often enough. Since it's thinner, light can still get to the middle for a longer time than with a double screen.
I wouldn't call it production, but yes I'm building them to order.
It's not stealth, but maybe it could be a black santa :)
02-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Santa Monica, Your system looks sharp and I may soon become a customer. Are you shipping out orders yet? It looks like the unit is designed to fit on top of a 24" long sump. Could you provide some more detail on what size sump/tank it is designed to fit on top of?
02-11-2010, 02:57 AM
Glad you like it. I'm building them when ordered. Although 25" long, it's not supposed to fit a particular sump. Instead it just sits on top of the sump (or display, or shelf).
02-11-2010, 10:38 AM
Well... It so beutiful and easy to maintance...
but the price... it too much for me.
02-11-2010, 11:38 AM
Take the plans to an acrylic/plastics shop and have them make it, then just use CFL's on it temporarily. That will be much cheaper to start. And, you can tell them to leave off the top and bottom shelves (i.e., just make the box), which will make it even cheaper.
02-14-2010, 10:19 PM
Hello SantaMonica, I would like to order your complete scrubber system. I will contact you directly to place the order.
02-18-2010, 09:17 AM
I would love to purchase, but would want a scrubber that will handle 180gal...any way we can build it a bit bigger?
02-18-2010, 10:33 AM
Currently the focus is fine-tuning the 100. If your load is light (few/small fish, no coral feeding), it will do stand-alone filtering for your tank. If your load is medium, it will do supplementary filtering (along with skimmer, etc). Or, 2 of them would do stand-alone.
As you get into bigger sizes, you want redundant scrubbing anyway. Multiple screens/lights/pumps/boxes. When there is a problem with one, you still operate at 50% from the other. With a smaller tank, redundancy is not so needed since you can do water changes while fixing the scrubber. And of course you'd have much less money in livestock in a smaller one.
02-21-2010, 07:40 AM
Im interested in purchasing one also. But my aquarium is heavyloaded and a 250 gallon aquarium. If you can manufacture one for this size please contact me!
02-21-2010, 10:34 AM
Same for yours: Unless you are feeding the corals with continuous liquid food, then 2 of the acrylics will do it, since I'm assuming you have something going already. More info would help, however.
You can make/manufacture anything, but you don't wan't just a single "larger" screen; you want multiple smaller screens. Optimum is three screens, two pumps, and two lights.
02-22-2010, 03:25 AM
As I said I have a working Aquarium of 250 gallons and I want to try your ATS.
The thing is that Ive never tried ATS before. Ive read quite a lot about it and I know the theory which I wanted to try on my own aquarium. Right know im going with Zeovit system which I want to go away from, along with the skimmer and carbonfilter. I do add some liquid foods for corals and other additives from KZ.
What else information do you need. If necessary then Ill order two. Or your recommandation of an optimal system.
I have one small problem though. The first is that the t5 lamps r not available in Europe where I live. Is there any chance that any other Lamp can fit to the ATS.
I was thinking of this lamp ... nid/161110 (
02-22-2010, 03:09 PM
Ok it does not sound like you feed the corals a lot if they are just "additives". So 2 of the scrubbers should do the job fine, and you can clean one every 5 days or so.
The light-fixture that you linked to would work, but it's 8 inches wide, so it would not fit into the shelves. I could leave the top shelf off, and then the lights would be taller than the top of the scrubber, and you would attach them to themselves somehow.
Another option is to just get a cheap power converter that can handle 100 watts (both lights together are about 100 watts)...
You can get them cheap at your local department or electronics store. I asked the maker of the lights (Current) and they said they have people use converters a lot.
02-23-2010, 01:48 AM
SANTA MONICA WROTE: You can make/manufacture anything, but you don't wan't just a single "larger" screen; you want multiple smaller screens. Optimum is three screens, two pumps, and two lights.
Can you explain this version. I do feed my fish a lot because of a high population and the corals i am expecting to feed perhaps onceor twice a week with mysis or so. Its just to have the best possible conditions for my aquarium so i dont have to upgrade again in the future.
If it comes out ill just get the lamps your selling if they run at 240 volts.
02-23-2010, 07:52 AM
As your livestock gets more expensive, you want redundancy. The more screens/bulbs/pumps you have the less you are affected if one goes out. Also, you don't get a nutrient spike by cleaning a single screen.
02-23-2010, 10:44 AM
Great design Santa! I'm sure a lot of people (not just me) are drooling over the thought of having this.
I have a couple of questions:
Can you put together an order form with a price break-down for the different 'options' you are offering (i.e. light box only, light box with plumbing/screen etc., full package)? Also, with order information, how to place order, when to expect order, payment options. And anything else I forgot :P
Will you be able to modify the design slightly (i.e. adjust the U slot size to accommodate a 1" slotted drain pipe)?
My current set-up is a 55g heavy load reef with custom fuge skimmer and ATS. Due to space constraints of the 55 (way too much LR) I will be transitioning to a 120 in the coming weeks. The load will remain the same as the 55 and I am fairly certain 100" sq ATS will be adequate with a fuge and skimmer rated at 100g.
I am teetering on trying my hand at building another light box versus buying one of your slick Santa Monica's. This info will help me decide.
I'm sure you've been told before but, thank you for getting this ATS thing going. I have a beautiful tank all thanks to you.
02-23-2010, 12:28 PM
Happy to see your current one working well!
I'm not quite at the shopping cart level yet, but the versions are:
1. Everything in pics: $649 USD
2. Everything in pics except lighting units: $489 USD
3. Acrylic box alone: $289 USD
Payment can be by check, paypal or credit card. Takes about 3 weeks to make the box; most of this is waiting for the acrylic guy to make the box, so I can finish it. Shipping seems to be about $40 in the U.S., and over $100 for overseas.
Probably should not modify the box... is working pretty well already; perfect coverage of the screen; I'm taking growth shots now and will post shortly. It already does accept, and comes with, a 1" feed pipe. And the drain is already a 1" drain bulkhead.
02-24-2010, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the reply. I remeber reading somewhere it was a 3/4" pipe. This puts my mind at ease; hate converting.
I will definatly be adding one or more of these to my next system shortly. My hack-job acrylic lightbox should hold me over till then.
When I am ready to order what would be the best way to place an order?
02-24-2010, 05:49 PM
Just PM your email, for either cc or paypal.
02-27-2010, 10:14 PM
A note about the 7 day growth pics I just put up:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=502#p4172 (
...the original scrubber is still operating; so this new 100 is pulling out nutrients on top of what the older one is. And sure enough, even with the liquid feeding, P has dropped in one week to absolutely clear (used to be a slight blue, just under .015). So I'm increasing my liquid feeding from 4 to 6 ml/day.
03-11-2010, 11:03 AM
very interested in a complete unit, but am in the uk, :roll: would shipping be feasable? am going to florida end of may would delivery to the villa simplify things?
03-11-2010, 11:33 AM
Overseas shipping looks to be about $140 USD, and in the states about $40 USD, so you could decide from that.
03-11-2010, 12:00 PM
so what weight, size is it feasable to take back on the plane??
03-11-2010, 01:02 PM
In the shipping box (packed with foam peanuts) it's 36 X 12 X 12 (91 X 30 X 30 cm) and under 20 pounds (44 kilos).
Our office girl just carried one to the post office by herself in her small car, so it should not be a problem as luggage on a plane.
03-12-2010, 09:01 PM
"In the shipping box (packed with foam peanuts) it's 36 X 12 X 12 (91 X 30 X 30 cm) and under 20 pounds (44 kilos).
Our office girl just carried one to the post office by herself in her small car, so it should not be a problem as luggage on a plane."
You have the weight conversion going in the wrong direction. Kilos are heavier than pounds, so 20 pounds is 9.1 Kilos. Forty four kilos equals 97 pounds and really sticks to the ground. It may also explain why the shipping seems high.
03-12-2010, 10:30 PM
Well she looked up the shipping on the postage chart, and got that cost. She used US pounds. Would vary by location of course. I'm sure it would be over $100 USD for overseas anywhere.
03-14-2010, 11:11 AM
will definately take one please, i'm in florida 20th may till 7th june, will it be feasable to get one in that time frame?
i see one of your threads shows a different curtain material, more ridged and thicker, are u planning on changing over to that?
could u email me when and how u would like payment.
03-14-2010, 12:51 PM
I am continuing the use of a single layer of roughed up plastic canvas. It is the easiest to work with for most people on their first scrubbers. And it's what I'm using now on the demo scrubber in the pics/videos, so that everything will be the same.
03-23-2010, 02:15 PM
Hi santa!
Im ready to order two! When can you have them ready!
03-23-2010, 04:10 PM
Hello again Moby... Once I put the order in to the acrylic guy, I get them back in about 3 weeks. Then I finish them in a few days and mail them out. So I just need to know if you want the lights included too. This is for 2 scrubbers, correct?
03-23-2010, 04:21 PM
Yep! 2 scrubbers. And it has to be send overseas. Regarding the light, im actally still thinking. To be honest if that is the last resort he Ill take them with the lights. I have recently changes my aquarium lightning to LED ligthing from Pacificsun and they are working awesome. Expensive but awesome. My main concern a to reduce my electrical bill and still get good or better results for my corals. I was watching another thread for LED with ATS and noticed you mentioned a version of LED that could work but was highly costly. Is it possible to use that with your ATS somehow.
03-23-2010, 06:46 PM
No. Nobody has made an LED scrubber that has worked at all, much less worked powerfully. The Current fluorescent lights are very strong, and are even, from one side to the other (which is critical for growth, but not critical for displays.
So if you get it with the lights, the two scrubbers would be $1298 plus overseas shipping. They would be shipped in two separate boxes, so if something happened to one of them you still would be able to use the other one in the mean time.
03-24-2010, 06:42 AM
I understand your point but what if a finished LEDlamp was bought There is a LED lamp that has been compared to a 150 w metalhalide on severeral tests. I was considering using these LEDs instead. What do you think? 4 on each ATS should do the work or perhaps a L60 high power can also be obtained upon request for a freshwater version this has been compared to a 250 halide. The freshwater version gives 8000 kelvin. I think it should work? ... g_in_china
03-24-2010, 11:32 AM
My led scrubber works and even though I have not posted a picture I can say that I regular clean my screen off.
I normally don't even wait a week.
There is no algae in my tank, I feed often, and my fish are happy. (actually brought them back from death) and
there is no other way my water is filtered. That said my tank is still fairly new but this setup has been running for many weeks now with no problems.
There is somethings that need to be considered namely all the variables. I have FW, horizontal, one particular flow, type of
source water, distance from the led to the screen, diffusion etc... which might not work in someone else's tank.
SM always brings up experimenting with leds and I agree with him. Mainly the up front cost is prohibitive, the nature of new untested
equipment and people talk about led efficiency but the newer fluorescent are plenty efficient. There might be something to being light
specific(colored). I would think the main cost savings would be that with the
right type of leds generally the need to replace the bulbs no longer exists. In that situation the cost savings quickly add up. What a person needs
to ask themselves is am I willing to take some kind of risk to improve upon something. By the way this is why I chose algae scrubbing to begin with.
DEEPOCEAN with that much scrubbing potential you could always get your feet wet with a partial led setup.
Hope this helps.
I will keep it short to avoid a flame war:
Yes, LED does work.
- My test setup was a success, and I am now making it more powerful.
If you are new, get your ATS working with T5/CFL first.
- There are many things that can go wrong. Deal with one at a time. It is worth the extra effort and cost.
LED lighting can be tricky.
- It is not rocket science, but it can be difficult to get the right power/spectrum.
03-24-2010, 05:18 PM
Let's make the goal of an LED, to be considered truly successful, this:
1. Is the only filter. This includes no waterchanges, no vodka/sugar, etc.
2. Keeps N and P unmeasureable continuously, with regular feedings, for months at a time.
03-25-2010, 12:38 AM
Hey Santa Monica!
Ok them im game! Ill take the ATS with the lights, and hopefully in the future an LED can be used for experimental use, to see if it works.
03-25-2010, 08:09 AM
What city/country to ship to. I'll find the shipping cost.
03-25-2010, 12:49 PM
Country = Denmark
Zip = 2600
City = Glostrup
Will the lights work with our voltage in europe?
03-25-2010, 04:16 PM
The lights work anywhere, when you get the little adapter from your local electronics store. Just tell them it's to run a U.S. appliance. They are about $15 USD each, and you need one for each light.
The shipping to Glostrup, Denmark is $338 USD for Fedex, or $367 for UPS.
04-14-2010, 01:01 PM
thats me just put me order and payment thru, :D delivery to florida while i'm on holiday, :shock: :lol: should be fun doing the packing going home :D
04-14-2010, 05:34 PM
Got it, and will be building...
05-03-2010, 03:42 PM
Headed to Denmark for DeepOcean
06-02-2010, 09:53 PM
Video of 7 days of growth on double-layer screen:
Video of cleaning of same:
06-14-2010, 12:34 PM
thats me got mine home.........thanks.
just waiting for the transformer to arrive now.
mandy :D
06-15-2010, 09:18 AM
I'm thinking about getting just the box. How much is the shipping to:
Country = Canada
Postal Code = K1B3A7
City = Gloucester
06-15-2010, 12:58 PM
$40 USD
06-17-2010, 12:39 AM
Can the overflow provide enough flow for this box?
06-17-2010, 12:00 PM
Screen Width-----Gallons Per Hour (GPH)
1" 35
2" 70
3" 105
4" 140
5" 175
6" 210
7" 245
8" 280
9" 315
10" 350
11" 385
12" 420
13" 455
14" 490
15" 525
16" 560
17" 595
18" 630
19" 665
20" 700
21" 735
22" 770 -- SM 100 size
If you are doing an overflow feed, the overflow will determine how much flow you have to work with. You have to start from there, and size your screen accordingly. The maximum flow you'll get to the screen will be what's going through your overflow now. This is easy to figure out by counting how many seconds it takes your overflow to fill a one-gallon jug:
60 seconds = 60 gph
30 seconds = 120 gph
15 seconds = 240 gph
10 seconds = 360 gph
8 seconds = 450 gph
5 seconds = 720 gph
Take this gph number that you end up with, and divide by 35, to get the number of inches wide the screen should be. For example, if your overflow was 240 gph, then divide this by 35 to get 6.8 (or just say 7) inches. So your screen should be 7 inches wide.
How tall should the screen it be? That is determined by how much screen area you need, which is determined by how many gallons you have. Try to get one square inch of screen (lit both sides) for every gallon. If lit on only one side, double the screen area.
When finished, this is how you want your flow to look:
06-27-2010, 11:36 AM
I have an extra already-finished scrubber available, ready to ship out the next day, for anyone who wanted one but did not want to wait the month for it to be completed.
06-28-2010, 01:43 PM
Do u need a month for finishing one?
Im visiting the us in august and was thinking of getting two of them
06-28-2010, 02:25 PM
One is finished and ready for pickup. I would need a month for a second one.
06-28-2010, 02:59 PM
06-28-2010, 04:06 PM
Whats the earliest you can deliver two
06-29-2010, 11:44 AM
The acrylic guy said, if I pay him today, he can have the box by this Friday. Then it would take me the weekend to finish, and would be ready for pickup/shipping by monday.
06-29-2010, 03:32 PM
Thanks for your response.
My plan is to get the ATS when i'll travel to the states in August and save the HUGE delivery cost.
My tank is around 200 - 220 gls (concidering rock equipment etc).
Do you recomment two SM100? and keep my skimmer as well?
06-29-2010, 04:50 PM
The quick answer is: 2 X 100 = 200, so two of them would do it, and do not need a skimmer.
As long as you are not continuous liquid feeding the corals, it will be fine.
07-03-2010, 11:48 AM
what do you mean by continuous liquid feeding?if dosing of calcium for example every 12-15 days is ok?
Please confirm total kg's per ATS, packed.
07-03-2010, 12:04 PM
Yes, caclium has nothing to do with coral feeding, so it is fine.
Each scrubber packed in a box of shipping material is 20 pounds (9 kgs)
07-11-2010, 08:39 AM
How long after ordering before I get it? I am new to reefing...really new I have a 55 gal TruVu tank that I got for free. It has a sump. my Q is that where do I hook the scrubber up to ? the hose coming from the bottom of the tank that feeds the sump? Can I pay with a money order? you can cash it first and then ship it.
07-11-2010, 11:40 AM
I still have one ready, so there is no wait for it. Yes you can do the money order.
Does the tank have an overflow? It would be good if you could post pics of it and the sump.
07-19-2010, 04:26 AM
Here is the longest I've let it grow... two weeks. The screen was full and touching the acrylic walls at 7 days, so it had another 7 days to fill upwards:
07-20-2010, 10:28 AM
Hi Santa
can you give me a cost on two more dual screen the same size you sent me and with 53cm log pipes to fit plz
07-20-2010, 10:47 AM
Unfortunately I can't do dual screens for a reasonable price anymore. Just too much time to make. It would be have to be hundreds of dollars more, and I don't want to charge that. How about you just hire a local kid to do it, or, just use a single screen with a 1/8" slot.
08-01-2010, 10:12 PM
Well I thought it couldn't grow any more in two weeks, but this time it reached the top of the window and was getting ready to spill out the end. My other scrubber was not very grown yet, so I did not want to clean this one today, but I thought I better before it spills. Tests today were N02=0, NO3=2, P=.015? (very faint blue). Feeding is one silverside per week to the eel, 4.8 ml/day continuous feeding of Oysterfeast for the corals (very low amount, currently), and misc nori/daphnia for the fish. Pics (right-click and "view image" to see whole pic):
10-14-2010, 07:50 PM
I have one SM100 built and ready to ship or be picked up.
11-28-2010, 06:04 AM
SantaMonica you still have that SM100 built and ready to sell? I'd be interested in purchasing a complete setup.
11-28-2010, 09:45 AM
No it sold. It's now about 3 weeks.
12-05-2010, 09:07 AM
Is there any plans for large scale production in the works?
I'd like to get one when the cost to produce declines a bit.
12-05-2010, 09:43 AM
Being that it includes electrical, it can't get too cheap. It's basically a nano tank with lighting.
The 25 will be cheaper, although smaller. Will include pump too.
12-10-2010, 07:00 PM
New boxes arriving from the acrylic guy in the next two weeks; will be quick turnaround once they are here.
12-11-2010, 10:50 PM
I like to order one with complete setup (lights and all). You take credit card or paypal? Thanks.
12-11-2010, 11:42 PM
Both. Paypal is probably better. You can pm the card info, or you can paypal it to:
Details are here:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=502 (
12-11-2010, 11:46 PM
By the way, spent half the day today cutting the slot in 14 pipes (with a table saw). Boy that it nerve racking... got to keep complete control of the pipe as it crosses the blade, and not got black dust in the eyes or nose. You'd think there'd be some place in the world to buy pre-slotted pvc pipe. It's not the cutting that takes so long... it's the set up, measuring, marking, and cleanup.
12-12-2010, 12:28 AM
I just sent the money via paypal to you.
12-20-2010, 11:06 AM
The boxes are ready from the acrylic guy today, for the current orders. Might be able to get them finished and in the mail this week, but for sure by next Monday.
12-20-2010, 11:27 AM
Shipping out next Monday would be great for me since I'll be on vacation and won't be back until next Friday (12/31).
12-22-2010, 10:19 AM
Here are the 5 units from the acrylic guy. The light are modified and ready. The pipes are cut, and being fitted now. Last will be cutting/fitting the boxes to hold the lights.
On the top-right you can the see the testing of the 25.
12-23-2010, 07:16 PM
Quick tip. I'm a woodshop guy in my spare time and an Engineer IRL. I "graduated" tool wise and ended up moving a lot of my shop to Festool. You might want to check it out. When I built the prototype scrubber I'm testing out right now, I used a ts55 plungesaw and multitable to *Safely* cut 1 pvc pipe's slot of exactly 22". The thing with Festool that always turns people off is:
1) Its expensive as hell.
2) Its German... and the literature for it sucks in English.
3) Everything is metric
and most importantly
4) Everything works "backwards" compared to the American way of a working woodshop.
Its #4 that's the important part. Instead of ripping large sheet goods down on a table saw with extension arms and in-feed/out-feed tables, the plunge saw moves on the rail system. Its like a panel saw system, only WAY more advanced. When I saw way more advanced, its mind boggling. Everything runs on the rails.. routers you name it.
Anyways, since the plunge saw does the moving, I simply clamped the pipe to one of my mulitables with the zero clearance clamps, popped the rail down, plunged the saw in, ripped to stop, and pulled out. Since the clamping is always 100 percent aligned you don't have to worry about a non straight cut like you do on a table saw. Since the pipe is clamped down, it can't kick back at you. Since the plunge glides on a rail you never have to worry about losing a finger. Since the whole system is designed around maximum dust extraction, you wont melt plastic, or throw white pvc everywhere.
It took me literally less than 90 seconds to cut a perfect slot and I had never done it before.
I also cut acrylic with *finished edges* right on the system. When I mean finished I mean completely glue/solvent ready. Because the system is "upside down" you never get tear out with wood, or chipping with acrylic (assuming you are using an adequate blade.. ie enough teeth) even a standard 28 tooth blade (on the small saw) will cut finished edges. You can alter the blade speed (unlike a table saw) to eliminate melt. Use one of the powerful models of dust extraction and you get no mounding even at high blade speeds. I showed this to a buddy of mine that works acrylics a lot more than I do and I thought he was going to have a heart attack.
My advice... go find a local dealer and play with a setup. If you do it might click for you... it changed the way I do things now...
By the way, spent half the day today cutting the slot in 14 pipes (with a table saw). Boy that it nerve racking... got to keep complete control of the pipe as it crosses the blade, and not got black dust in the eyes or nose. You'd think there'd be some place in the world to buy pre-slotted pvc pipe. It's not the cutting that takes so long... it's the set up, measuring, marking, and cleanup.
12-23-2010, 07:22 PM
Oh one other important thing.. the Festool plunge saws all come with REAL Riving knives. Ie no more pinching and throwbacks.
12-23-2010, 10:36 PM
Good pointer, thanks.
12-30-2010, 02:49 AM
Hi SM,
Are you concidering of a mass SM100 production, hopping that the price will drop a bit?
12-30-2010, 08:21 AM
It can't get too much cheaper, since it includes electrical and must be safe. And the box is a two-layer (clear on black) build, which is not easy.
I'm dealing with the 25 now, and targeting $199 to $249, which is even more $ per square inch (although it will include pump and timer and tubing).
12-30-2010, 08:47 AM
Think that's a pretty smart move on your side to include a pump and give a maximum lift distance, since that's the general mistake around here. Then again, selling moving parts is a hassle.
02-17-2011, 09:46 AM
5 new boxes are on order, 2 are taken, so 3 units will be available in about 3 weeks.
03-29-2011, 12:24 AM
Last of the current orders goes out tomorrow.
10 more are being built; 2 are taken, and 2 others may be taken. Will be ready in about 2 weeks.
04-14-2011, 04:36 AM
I am able to access ( to order a scrubber. Is this an issue on my end or yours? Also, is it possible to have a custom acrylic attachment made to support the scrubber over my sump? Nothing fancing. Just a piece of acrylic approx 30 inches by 10 inches with "fiddles" to hold the scrubber in place? TIA
04-14-2011, 10:46 AM
If you can access it, then there is no issue.
No unfortunately I cannot make a special support for it.
05-02-2011, 07:10 PM
All current orders have been shipped as of today (5/2/11), and there are 4 additional units available for shipping within two business days. Order at (
05-02-2011, 07:21 PM
Also, is it possible to have a custom acrylic attachment made to support the scrubber over my sump? Nothing fancing. Just a piece of acrylic approx 30 inches by 10 inches with "fiddles" to hold the scrubber in place? TIA
Just cut a piece of plywood and paint some oil based water proof type paint on it. It'll take a day to dry for each side. I've used it for a few months and just took it out for a good washing last weekend. It's holding out very well. Still look like new.
05-24-2011, 08:14 PM
I am able to access to order a scrubber. Is this an issue on my end or yours? Also, is it possible to have a custom acrylic attachment made to support the scrubber over my sump? Nothing fancing. Just a piece of acrylic approx 30 inches by 10 inches with "fiddles" to hold the scrubber in place? TIA
use some 3/4 inch pvc, 90 degree elbow, and 2 or 4 tee's to make a bracket
06-08-2011, 04:34 AM
Thank you. Great idea. Just got my SM 100. Looking forward to seeing what it can do.
06-19-2011, 11:40 PM
A new batch of SM100's are almost done. So although the order page at ( says 30 days, they will be ready in a week or so.
06-20-2011, 03:00 PM
Any progress on the 25 nano model am interested in seeing that. Can u ship to the uk?
06-21-2011, 05:05 AM
Delayed. Still running my one test unit on a 10g fw, that I used for the pics.
06-21-2011, 07:43 AM
Ok sweet how's it looking? Are u getting good results? Looking like there will have to be any improvements made?
06-21-2011, 11:41 AM
Seems to be fine. Experimenting on amounts of food. At least I can do that each day.
08-09-2011, 12:48 PM
Love the design, and can't say how cool you are for also posting the measurements diagram.
I used your measurements to make my own, modified for some lights I owned, but am having problems with the drain. Your diagram noted you had a 2 inch hole for the drain, and the pictures indicate a bulkhead fitting in it, but I cannot locate one that fits a hole that size. Do you know where I can get one?
Thanks so much!!!
08-09-2011, 05:35 PM
Everyplace that sells a 1" economy bulkhead. I like the slip version, so that there are no threads on the inside to slow the flow.
Floyd R Turbo
08-09-2011, 07:33 PM
you may have to trim the flange of the bulkhead straight on 2 parallel edges to get it in between the panes if you box is too narrow.
08-09-2011, 08:49 PM
i looked up several 1" bulkheads, but they said they fit 1 3/4" holes. The plans describe it as a 2" hole, though. I admit I've never seen an actual bulkhead in the wild, so I don't know how they're constructed. Is the 2" hold too big? Or will it fit anyway? Sorry for the newb questions :)
Floyd R Turbo
08-10-2011, 05:07 AM
look up bulkheads on Bulk Reef Supply, under "pumps & plumbing" here ... k-adapters (
Those are ABS bulkheads, the most common and what you want. The hole is drilled larger because you have to insert the threaded part through the hole then screw the ring on the outside, so a hole for a 1" bulkhead like this one ... -side.html (
has dimension "C" (click the picture) of 1.65" or 42mm which is how big you have to drill the hole. You'll notice that "A" is 2.67" because the flange spreads out. This is the part you have to shave about 1/3" off each side to make it fit in between the panes on the inside. You'll have to trim the rubber gasket also.
Make sense?
08-10-2011, 06:58 AM
Perfect sense! Thanks for your help! And I hadn't run across that website yet, so thanks for the link. BTW, Floyd, your promotion and discussion of ATS on aquarium advice forum is what convinced me to make one. I appreciate your advocacy of them
Floyd R Turbo
08-10-2011, 07:10 AM
No problem. I used to be a mentor on AA but gave it up, too much else going on (outside of forums!!)
10-12-2011, 04:16 AM
look up bulkheads on Bulk Reef Supply, under "pumps & plumbing" here ... k-adapters (
Those are ABS bulkheads, the most common and what you want. The hole is drilled larger because you have to insert the threaded part through the hole then screw the ring on the outside, so a hole for a 1" bulkhead like this one ... -side.html (
has dimension "C" (click the picture) of 1.65" or 42mm which is how big you have to drill the hole. You'll notice that "A" is 2.67" because the flange spreads out. This is the part you have to shave about 1/3" off each side to make it fit in between the panes on the inside. You'll have to trim the rubber gasket also.
Make sense?
Sorry I'm confused about this. I ordered the 1" bulkhead fitting (from the US) but I don't get it :oops:
The one I have is called "1" Bulkhead slip x thread" as per the link above.
Unfortunately it has arrived without the rubber gasket so I have to wait longer anyway, but take a look at the picture:
There is still some thread on the inside, are you supposed to cut this? What size pipe is this intended for as none of the dimensions are 1".
I've never used a bulkhead fitting before ;)
Am I supposed to get some sort of female end to screw the drain pipe onto the end?
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 06:05 AM
oops on the gasket, that sucks!
The inside threading is for a standard imperical (sp?) sized pipe. So if you ordered a 1" bulkhead then the inside threading is the female end of a male/female connection. If you wanted to hard-pipe to that, you would want a male-to-slip adapter then you solvent weld to the adapter. If you want vinyl flex hose then you get a thread-to-barb adapter.
Where are you located? This bulkhead is likely in english measurements, I don't know if plumbing comes in metric sizes in other countries. That may be your issue??
10-12-2011, 06:20 AM
I am in the UK but I ordered this from the US here: ... 652wt_1163 (
Perhaps I should find a UK version instead, problem is I can't seem to find one with such a large flange and the acrylic manufacturer has already cut the 2inch hole, I'm picking up the acrylic tomorrow.
I might have to cut a smaller hole in a small square of plastic and gule that over the top instead, but its not ideal.
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 06:35 AM
What pipe sizes do you have in the UK, when you go to a hardware store, are they in english or metric measurements?
10-12-2011, 06:41 AM
English, 1 inch is translated as 25mm which is of course smaller than the US 1 inch.
But I'm not sure if I'm going to use hard or flex yet.
The SM100 copy is going to sit on this shelf above the tank, which is 7 inches from the lid of the tank:
You can see the screen holder pipe on top, that is made with 25mm pipe and a metric union with hosetail.
As above depends what you want to put on the end of it, the internal diameter is 25mm right? will have what you need, it can get a little confusing though as they use outside diameter.
so ... cts_id=693 ( would fit the internal threads giving a 1" solvent weld socket to which you can just use 1" pipe or add ... ts_id=3712 ( for flexible.
Hope that makes sense.
10-12-2011, 07:20 AM
Its exactly the same as this one: ... -side.html (
That's what I couldn't understand, its a 1" bulkhead but none of the dimensions are 1". The internal diameter is 34mm.
10-12-2011, 07:43 AM
So I think I've figured out what I want to do, see the pic...
These are 32mm fittings for 32mm external diameter pipe.
The union in the pic is for illustration as that's a 25mm version.
therefore I need a new bulkhead fitting and a 32mm union and a way to connect the union to the bulkhead fitting but the bulkhead fitting needs to cover a 2 inch hole :?
Hmm, probably a difference in naming of things
I think one of ... cts_id=696 ( would fit (just to add to the confusion the description of this looks wrong)
To check that what actually you want is a female 1.25" thread you could take it along to a B&Q and see if something fits it, pretty sure they do 1.25" and 1.5" stuff.
Also meant to say before you can just use some aquarium sealant rather than the missing gasket.
10-12-2011, 08:04 AM
Ok thanks, I'll check out B&Q.
Supplier is sending out the gasket so no major headache, I'm waiting for the lights to come anyway, they've just been shipped from china as I'm going for the eshine LEDs :D
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 08:31 AM
English, 1 inch is translated as 25mm which is of course smaller than the US 1 inch.
Um, so again, are the pipe fitting you buy in the UK measured and listed in inches or mm? English - inches (or "imperical" measurements, if that's clearer), Metric = mm.
I think this is your issue. So you can't get bulkhead fittings in the UK to fit the pipe sizes that they sell in the UK?
10-12-2011, 09:15 AM
Some good news, B&Q was no use but my LFS was.
This UV unit hosetail fits perfectly, so I can cut it down and solvent cement it into this union.
Funny thing is the only union big enough is a 1" from the US! So my 32mm pipe is not a very tight fit, hopefully the solvent cement will sort it out.
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 09:44 AM
So you're going to solvent weld the hose fitting into the union? That might work ok, considering that it is not a pressure application. I can't remember if this has been discussed in this thread but with a top-of-tank scrubber like you have shown, you're going to have a long drop from the box into the tank. This will create a lot of cavitation and microbubbles. I have just dealt with this on the tank I have mine on, the outlet for the scrubber is only about 2-3" above the water and everything I have tried has not eliminated the bubbles completely. Right now I have the water drop out into a cut-up 1L bottle with a few bio-balls and a piece of plastic canvas screen to keep them in place, and I still get a steady stream of bubbles.
I have figured out that what you need to have is a return chamber inside the tank that is tall and open on the bottom and large enough to let the water flow out slow enough so that it doesn't pull the bubbles down with it, then it can be open on top or have a lid, as long as air can easily escape. Think about an overflow box in reverse, or something like what a skimmer uses to prevent microbubbles from escaping. I have not built one like this, but it should work in concept. The key is slowing the water flow down. Significantly. And also placing something at or above the surface of the water to prevent the flow from crashing down onto the surface. I use bio-balls, and have to clean them every time I clean the scrubber as they clog. Just something to think about.
10-12-2011, 09:58 AM
I'm thinking of something like this, where the clear tube is in the corner of the tank, just trying to figure out if I can get it all to line up into the right place as there's a brace bar at the top, so corner is the only option.
This is 60mm clear tube, I can hold it in place with a magnet from a topup unit I don't use such that the bottom end is open and above the substrate.
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 10:19 AM
The long pipe should allow most of the large bubbles to escape, but the microbubbles might get pushed down in the flow. It depends on your flow, but if you're going a 100 style with 700 GPH going to the box, that's a lot of flow and my gut tells me the microbubbles will keep getting recirculated down the pipe. What you need is a larger footprint area so that the flow from the scrubber is in one corner, and there is a large enough area away from the flow such that the small bubbles can get into a stagnant area of water and slowly rise to the surface.
10-12-2011, 10:24 AM
hmm ok I'll give it some thought.
The scrubber is the same dimensions as the SM100 but I've made the screen only 17 inches for now as its only a 200L tank with little stock and my pump won't cope with more.
Don't want to buy a new pump just yet.
10-12-2011, 10:36 AM
How about a grate on the bottom end of the 60mm pipe and fill the pipe with live rock rubble, the bubble should trap and rise on the way through?
The pipe is 1.5 foot long. I guess I'll just have to try it.
Floyd R Turbo
10-12-2011, 10:41 AM
Maybe. better to have an unimpeded flow I would think. I have had the bio-ball trap I made clog up and overflow several times, since it has light on it and lots of flow, guess what. It grows algae very well. it's also right below the drain so some of the hair algae flows right into it. Also if you get a detachment it will clog the bubble-trap pipe and water will overflow the pipe and possibly find a way over the rim of your tank. These are things to think about well in advance...:)
10-26-2011, 03:33 PM
Hot deal:
1 scrubber has the lid too tight; the lid needs to be ground down with a grinder so it will fit; $100 off
1 scrubber has the lid too tight; the lid needs to be ground down with a grinder so it will fit; also it has no lighting units; $200 off
11-12-2011, 04:59 PM
Hello Santa Monica,
I am attempting to build a scrubber using the plans you provide on this site. I am a little confused though with the dimensions of the lower layer of the lid. I hope I can accurately describe this without pictures:
-If I understand right, the lower layer lid sets in the scrubber while the top layer rests on top.
-You state that the inside dimension from side wall to side wall is 2.75"
-The lower lid is 2.55" thick, leaving 0.20" extra space or play between the walls of the tank and the edges of the lower lid.
-However, your diagram (on first page of this thread) doesn't seem to take into account the 1/8" clear acrylic window. If the clear acrylic is also 24' x 6" x 1/8" (lining the complete inside walls, then it adds an extra 0.125" to the thickness of each wall.
-This reduces the space between the inside walls of the scrubber from 2.75" to 2.50".
The inner lid is 2.55", which is larger than the 2.50" distance between the sides, which means the inner lid wont set down into the scrubber.
Am I missing something? If not, do you have updated plans? Additionally, what are you charging right now for the complete set up without the lights? I may just order a pre-built one.
Thanks for your help,
11-12-2011, 07:53 PM
I think you are right... it's not perfect and each person does it their own way. There's no newer plans, however. Even the acrylic guy I use messed up a few, so I now have 2 of them where the lids don't fit and need grinding ($100 off). And one of them has no lights, so it's another $100 off.
12-04-2011, 11:48 AM
Still have:
One complete unit.
One unit with no lid ($100 off).
One unit with no lid and no lights ($200 off).
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