View Full Version : Screens For Trough Style ATS....

01-17-2010, 04:15 PM
The move is done and I am starting construction on my fishroom. The ATS I am planning on will be 48"L x 12" or 14"W fed by the display overflow and lit by a standard 48" twin bulb shop fixture houseing two 3000k gro-bulbs. Elevation drop from input to outlet will be two inches giving good contact time while still maintaining a brisk flow. The idea I have for the growing medium is what I want input on. I have a huge roll of polyester "felt" filter cloth. I was thinking of sandwiching this between two peices of plastic "cross stitch" cloth in 12"L x 12"-14"W segments. The segment at the top (input) end will be cleaned weekly, or as needed, and the other three moved up and the cleaned segment replaced at the bottom (outflow) of the ATS. I am thinking that the felt center will allow for a more vigorous cleaning of the screens weekly because the algae itself will root in the felt and the cross stitch canvas will protect it. Leaving a good seeded base while exporting anything that grows on or past the canvas with each cleaning. The felt is thin enough that if a good cleaning is required it can be done with some diligent sink sparyer action.

01-17-2010, 08:02 PM
For better performance, elevate it much more, like 12", so you get a river like this:


Reduce the width to 10". But give it tons of flow, like 500 gph.

I don't know how well rooting will happen in felt.