View Full Version : A MUST for electrical safety

02-06-2010, 07:18 PM
Please, please, please consider putting a ground fault circuit interrupter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_fault_circuit_interrupter on everything in your house that's near water. If you haven't heard of a GFCI, they detect any kind of short circuit or electrical flow problem and cut the power nearly instantly. (The theory is neat. They work by electromagnetism. If the electricity flow through them becomes imbalanced even slightly the magnet's strength changes and a spring is released.) They're so important that now they're the law for bathrooms. And now you don't even need to have an electrician replace your wall outlets. You can buy an "inline GFCI" http://www.google.com/search?q=inline+gfci that simply plugs into your outlets. I bought ones that have multiple outlets. Handy! I see them on Amazon starting at $40. Such an important and useful device for so little money... go get a couple! PS As an afterthought, the ones I bought always trip when there's a power outage. The ones in my bathroom don't... maybe there's some way to tell before you buy.

02-07-2010, 12:27 PM
A very good piece of advice.

I will add that if you go out and buy a GFI outlet get only Hubbell or Leviton brands. They cost only a few dollars more than the junk brands.

02-11-2010, 10:48 AM
Definitely very good advice. Both the GFI, and spend a tiny bit more for quality.

But a note: Don't plug a GFI outlet into a circuit that already has a GFI.
Nothing dangerous or anything. And technically does double protect you.
But it is not uncommon for leakage current in one to randomly trip the other one.
So you can get false failures, and random power outages.

03-02-2010, 11:10 AM
Good post and good to know about the double GFI issue.

03-27-2010, 05:07 AM
several building codes here require them in all the places you mentioned, and by pools, fountains; and are in use outside in general. They are safe, easy, cheap, and make great sense near your tanks.

Good Post