02-10-2010, 09:42 AM
Here is the Santa Monica 100 acrylic scrubber, available for purchase, including everything except the tubing to connect to your pump. Orders can be placed at
"I got 2 nicely built units" -- Username Elliot
"Very impressive pice of equipment" -- Username Schnitm
"I was very impressed with the quality of manufacture and innovative design" -- Username Chawk
"It's beautiful; excellent job, high quality. money well spent" -- Username Floridays
"I am very happy with the quality of the algae scrubber. It is a very nice product" -- Mike ( hotvws, then the "at" sign, then sbcglobal, dot net )
"Very nice build!" -- Username Maglofster (video:
Questions and replies about this should go here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=472 (
Instructions are here:
Weekly cleaning video:
6 month complete cleaning video:
(to see big pics, right-click and "view image")...
Lid on:
Lid off:
Flow example, looking from the side with one of the lights removed:
Flow example, looking from the top:
Demonstration of noise:
o 100 square inches of two-sided growing area.
o Box is 25 inches long (63.5 cm), but you'll need 30 inches (75 cm) to have room to attach the hose.
o 7.25 inches wide (18.4 cm)
o 8 inches tall (20 cm) with cover, or 6.25 inches tall (15.9 cm) without cover.
o Much stronger filtering compared to CFL-powered screens of same area and wattage, because the light is very near the screen, all the way across.
o After screen is grown, it can handle 10 frozen cubes of feeding per day, with no water changes, and no other filters.
o 100 square inches (645 square cm) of growable two-sided screen area, not counting the part that goes into the pipe.
o This is a high-performance scrubber, packed into a small space. There is no wasted light; 100 percent of the light hits the screen, and is only 1.5 inches from the screen.
o The light is the same distance from the screen, from one end of the screen to the other.
o It works equally well in Fresh or Salt (but not for planted-only tanks).
o The all-black acrylic blocks out almost all light from escaping.
o The lid stops any evaporation or cooling. If you want evaporation and cooling, just leave the lid off. If you wants LOTS of evaporation and cooling, put a fan on it.
o The walls are higher than the slot, so you can leave the lid off without having to worry about any sideways spraying.
o The pipe can go into the box in either direction, so that the pump side is on the same end, or the opposite end, of the drain.
o The four bulbs deliver about 100 watts (8000 lumens) of flourescent light. If less filtering (and less power consumption) is needed, you can reduce the number of hours to less than 18. (You cannot reduce the flow, however)
o The unit is only 8 inches (19 cm) tall. At least 10 total inches is needed to be able to lift out the pipe/screen.
o It is supplied with a single-layer, roughed-up plastic canvas screen, which is held in the pipe with cable ties. The sheet is cut into two pieces (vertically) to allow you to clean one half at a time, thus eliminating nutrient spikes from cleaning the whole screen at once.
o Has a water-tight drain which allows the unit to be placed on top of the tank, or even on a shelf, where it can drain back to the display. A blue rubber plug is included so you can clean the inside of the box without it draining into your system.
o Requires 700 GPH (after head loss). Do not skimp on GPH, because the long pipe will not fill with enough water if you do. An Eheim 1260 pump works good if the scrubber is down in the sump area, but if you put the scrubber up high on a shelf above the tank, something bigger like an Eheim 1262 would be needed. I have and use both of these pumps. At the sump level, there is not much difference in flow between these two pumps, but when you have to pump up to a shelf above the display, the extra power of the 1262 (or similar) would be needed.
o The 22 inch (55.9 cm) wide screen allows much more water flow to be filtered for the same screen area, compared to a square screen of the same area; this gives more filtering per hour because nutrients are brought into contact with the algae quicker.
o The 22 inch wide screen minimizes any potential blockage; even a big one-inch chuck of algae would only block less than 5 percent of the total flow.
o The long T5HO bulbs distribute the light evenly from one side of the screen to the other, and are only 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the screen. So there are no "burned" spots in the middle of the screen as there can be with CFL bulbs (because CFL's put all the light into one spot).
o The box allows water to "pool" at the bottom when the algae gets thick. This creates algae that is floating in a turbulent pool, and lets the algae get more three dimensional, which lets water flow throughout the algae strands. This creates more filtering than just a flat sheet of algae.
o The top shelf keeps water from dripping on the lights when you take the screen out, and also holds the lights in place.
o The bottom shelf keeps water from splashing up from the sump onto the lights, and also makes a wide base to keep the scrubber stable. The lights sit on this shelf.
o Replace the bulbs every 3 months. Most any K bulb below 6500 should work (including plant-grow bulbs), but F24T5HO/830 are suggested and are $2.97 from here:
If you use 220 volts, you can use 220 V replacement bulbs just fine.
o The lighting units have the proper bulbs already included, and have the bulb sockets fixed and strengthend since they normally are loose when they come from the manufacturer.
o Clean your pump (run in pure vinager for an hour) every 6 months to make sure the flow stays high. If there is no longer a swirling "pool" on the bottom of the scrubber, then your pump needs cleaning.
Here is how the box-alone looks:
Video of box:
Here is the diagram if you want to build it yourself:
Full size:
Here are several places to get the lights. The FW and SW versions are the same; the bulbs are the only difference (you replace the bulbs anyways). You want Model 1124 or 1127:
Note: These lights only come in 120 volt versions. If you are in a 220 volt country, either get a converter, or buy another lighting unit locally (it's won't fit perfectly, however.) Here are some places to buy the 120 volt version: ... ter24.html ( ... me-24.html ( ... e=RCU01127 ( ... e=RCU01124 ( ... T5-vi.html ( rine_20_Inch_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures-Current_USA-CU01136-FILTFIT5T5-vi.html) ... T5-vi.html ( er_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures_for_Aquariums-Current_USA-CU01127-FWLTFIT5-vi.html)
If you operate on 220 V power, you can get a cheap little power converter at any electronics, travel, department or home improvement store, or online at many places like this:
You can still use 220 V bulbs, however; you do not need to get your bulbs from a 110 V store.
Scrubber Warranty: The scrubber box comes with a one year warranty; this covers leaks/cracks in the acrylic and pipe, as well as the fittings for the union and the drain. Warranty is for replacement or repair only; not a refund. Costs for shipping back to me are covered if you are in the U.S. Costs for shipping back to me are not covered if you are outside the U.S. However I will pay for shipping back to you. The warranty continues to apply if you sell the scrubber.
Lighting Unit Warranty: The lighting units come with a one year warranty from the manufacturer (Current). The registration card and owner's manual will come with it. It is dated from the time I bought the units, so it may not be a full year by the time you get it.
Bulb Warranty: Bulbs come with 3 month warranty, from me, from time of purchase. The bulbs will already be installed in the lighting units.
Warranty for the scrubber box is limited to repair or replacement, and does not cover fish loss, personal injury, property loss, or direct, incidental or consequential damage arising from the use of it. The warranty and remedies set forth above are exlusive and in lieu of all others, whether oral or written, express or implied. I specifically disclaim any and all implied warranties, including but not limited to lost profits, downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of other equipment and property, and any costs of recovering animals, plants, tanks or other aquarium related items and/or equipment. I am not responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty, or replacement of equipment or property, or any costs of recovering or reproducing any equipment, animals or plants used or grown with this scrubber.
"I got 2 nicely built units" -- Username Elliot
"Very impressive pice of equipment" -- Username Schnitm
"I was very impressed with the quality of manufacture and innovative design" -- Username Chawk
"It's beautiful; excellent job, high quality. money well spent" -- Username Floridays
"I am very happy with the quality of the algae scrubber. It is a very nice product" -- Mike ( hotvws, then the "at" sign, then sbcglobal, dot net )
"Very nice build!" -- Username Maglofster (video:
Questions and replies about this should go here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=472 (
Instructions are here:
Weekly cleaning video:
6 month complete cleaning video:
(to see big pics, right-click and "view image")...
Lid on:
Lid off:
Flow example, looking from the side with one of the lights removed:
Flow example, looking from the top:
Demonstration of noise:
o 100 square inches of two-sided growing area.
o Box is 25 inches long (63.5 cm), but you'll need 30 inches (75 cm) to have room to attach the hose.
o 7.25 inches wide (18.4 cm)
o 8 inches tall (20 cm) with cover, or 6.25 inches tall (15.9 cm) without cover.
o Much stronger filtering compared to CFL-powered screens of same area and wattage, because the light is very near the screen, all the way across.
o After screen is grown, it can handle 10 frozen cubes of feeding per day, with no water changes, and no other filters.
o 100 square inches (645 square cm) of growable two-sided screen area, not counting the part that goes into the pipe.
o This is a high-performance scrubber, packed into a small space. There is no wasted light; 100 percent of the light hits the screen, and is only 1.5 inches from the screen.
o The light is the same distance from the screen, from one end of the screen to the other.
o It works equally well in Fresh or Salt (but not for planted-only tanks).
o The all-black acrylic blocks out almost all light from escaping.
o The lid stops any evaporation or cooling. If you want evaporation and cooling, just leave the lid off. If you wants LOTS of evaporation and cooling, put a fan on it.
o The walls are higher than the slot, so you can leave the lid off without having to worry about any sideways spraying.
o The pipe can go into the box in either direction, so that the pump side is on the same end, or the opposite end, of the drain.
o The four bulbs deliver about 100 watts (8000 lumens) of flourescent light. If less filtering (and less power consumption) is needed, you can reduce the number of hours to less than 18. (You cannot reduce the flow, however)
o The unit is only 8 inches (19 cm) tall. At least 10 total inches is needed to be able to lift out the pipe/screen.
o It is supplied with a single-layer, roughed-up plastic canvas screen, which is held in the pipe with cable ties. The sheet is cut into two pieces (vertically) to allow you to clean one half at a time, thus eliminating nutrient spikes from cleaning the whole screen at once.
o Has a water-tight drain which allows the unit to be placed on top of the tank, or even on a shelf, where it can drain back to the display. A blue rubber plug is included so you can clean the inside of the box without it draining into your system.
o Requires 700 GPH (after head loss). Do not skimp on GPH, because the long pipe will not fill with enough water if you do. An Eheim 1260 pump works good if the scrubber is down in the sump area, but if you put the scrubber up high on a shelf above the tank, something bigger like an Eheim 1262 would be needed. I have and use both of these pumps. At the sump level, there is not much difference in flow between these two pumps, but when you have to pump up to a shelf above the display, the extra power of the 1262 (or similar) would be needed.
o The 22 inch (55.9 cm) wide screen allows much more water flow to be filtered for the same screen area, compared to a square screen of the same area; this gives more filtering per hour because nutrients are brought into contact with the algae quicker.
o The 22 inch wide screen minimizes any potential blockage; even a big one-inch chuck of algae would only block less than 5 percent of the total flow.
o The long T5HO bulbs distribute the light evenly from one side of the screen to the other, and are only 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the screen. So there are no "burned" spots in the middle of the screen as there can be with CFL bulbs (because CFL's put all the light into one spot).
o The box allows water to "pool" at the bottom when the algae gets thick. This creates algae that is floating in a turbulent pool, and lets the algae get more three dimensional, which lets water flow throughout the algae strands. This creates more filtering than just a flat sheet of algae.
o The top shelf keeps water from dripping on the lights when you take the screen out, and also holds the lights in place.
o The bottom shelf keeps water from splashing up from the sump onto the lights, and also makes a wide base to keep the scrubber stable. The lights sit on this shelf.
o Replace the bulbs every 3 months. Most any K bulb below 6500 should work (including plant-grow bulbs), but F24T5HO/830 are suggested and are $2.97 from here:
If you use 220 volts, you can use 220 V replacement bulbs just fine.
o The lighting units have the proper bulbs already included, and have the bulb sockets fixed and strengthend since they normally are loose when they come from the manufacturer.
o Clean your pump (run in pure vinager for an hour) every 6 months to make sure the flow stays high. If there is no longer a swirling "pool" on the bottom of the scrubber, then your pump needs cleaning.
Here is how the box-alone looks:
Video of box:
Here is the diagram if you want to build it yourself:
Full size:
Here are several places to get the lights. The FW and SW versions are the same; the bulbs are the only difference (you replace the bulbs anyways). You want Model 1124 or 1127:
Note: These lights only come in 120 volt versions. If you are in a 220 volt country, either get a converter, or buy another lighting unit locally (it's won't fit perfectly, however.) Here are some places to buy the 120 volt version: ... ter24.html ( ... me-24.html ( ... e=RCU01127 ( ... e=RCU01124 ( ... T5-vi.html ( rine_20_Inch_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures-Current_USA-CU01136-FILTFIT5T5-vi.html) ... T5-vi.html ( er_T5_Fluorescent_Light_Fixtures_for_Aquariums-Current_USA-CU01127-FWLTFIT5-vi.html)
If you operate on 220 V power, you can get a cheap little power converter at any electronics, travel, department or home improvement store, or online at many places like this:
You can still use 220 V bulbs, however; you do not need to get your bulbs from a 110 V store.
Scrubber Warranty: The scrubber box comes with a one year warranty; this covers leaks/cracks in the acrylic and pipe, as well as the fittings for the union and the drain. Warranty is for replacement or repair only; not a refund. Costs for shipping back to me are covered if you are in the U.S. Costs for shipping back to me are not covered if you are outside the U.S. However I will pay for shipping back to you. The warranty continues to apply if you sell the scrubber.
Lighting Unit Warranty: The lighting units come with a one year warranty from the manufacturer (Current). The registration card and owner's manual will come with it. It is dated from the time I bought the units, so it may not be a full year by the time you get it.
Bulb Warranty: Bulbs come with 3 month warranty, from me, from time of purchase. The bulbs will already be installed in the lighting units.
Warranty for the scrubber box is limited to repair or replacement, and does not cover fish loss, personal injury, property loss, or direct, incidental or consequential damage arising from the use of it. The warranty and remedies set forth above are exlusive and in lieu of all others, whether oral or written, express or implied. I specifically disclaim any and all implied warranties, including but not limited to lost profits, downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of other equipment and property, and any costs of recovering animals, plants, tanks or other aquarium related items and/or equipment. I am not responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty, or replacement of equipment or property, or any costs of recovering or reproducing any equipment, animals or plants used or grown with this scrubber.