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ocean rock
03-20-2010, 09:45 AM
well just like to tell you all , after 6months of trial and error . i'am now growing green , only problem now is had to totally strip tank down to replace stand .GUTTED
03-21-2010, 09:30 AM
Cool. I'm a pretty handy guy but can't seem to get going on a scrubber.
ocean rock
03-22-2010, 12:54 PM
how do you mean mate getting te green stuff growing or the building of one ?
03-22-2010, 09:25 PM
The building of one. I got the concept and all, but doesn't seem to be any working room in my stand under my tank. I'd like to base it off of a tank the same size as my current sump. But seems the hieght of it might be a factor and I can't convince myself to dismantle my sump/refugium.
I will say I shut down my skimmer though and love the quiet. I figured doing that would push me into action.
I keep doing searches to find something that resembles what I have in mind of what it should or what I think I'd like it to look like. No luck yet.
03-23-2010, 12:39 AM
Post pics of your sump from different angles
03-23-2010, 06:52 PM (¤t=10-19-09009.jpg) (¤t=10-19-09007.jpg)
Here you go. Just lost a bunch of info crap I typed by going back and forth one here. Arhhhgg....
Anyway. I'm going to look for a shallower tank than I have to build an AS. Current sump is 19inches tall inside a 24 inch stand. Realize I'll have to retard flow from display to maintain a lower water level in sump so not to submerge screens too much. Plan on using overflow to feed scrubber to keep from adding another pump if I can. Input is always appreciated.
Santa Monica isn't that far from me. I wonder what kind of Subway sandwiches and beer he likes?
ocean rock
03-24-2010, 12:59 AM
you could build a box to fit in side you sump and have the screen say 20in by 5 in light with t5 on both sides that would give you a 100 gallon scrubber
03-24-2010, 05:07 PM
Meatball sub sounds good :)
03-24-2010, 06:34 PM
"you could build a box to fit in side you sump and have the screen say 20in by 5 in light with t5 on both sides that would give you a 100 gallon scrubber"
Ocean. Do you mean 20l and 5h running over the top of my fuge? Hm... Then I keep my refugium too and maybe run a pump just for it. There just happens to be 24" of length and the top of those baffles sit 6" below the top of the sump. Hmm.... Would something like these work?
Ah! Got SantaMonicas attention now. Hot meatball sandwiches are the ticket huh? Do I smell a lunch and build?
03-25-2010, 08:13 AM
We could take a look at it, for sure.
That bulb link is for non high output. Too weak. You want T5 HO.
ocean rock
03-25-2010, 12:18 PM
hi skly
yes mate 20 long 5 in wide you shoul get good result if you run a strong pump and strong lighting like SM says go with the t5s
03-26-2010, 08:27 PM
Sounds good SantaMonica. Will be going on vacation the 5th-9th. Any weekend works for me. I may have a 5 year old with a hundred questions hanging out. But I'm serious about a scrubber now.
Will be at my moms tomorrow and will rummage for some hook rug stuff in one of her closets to use. Wish I was handy-capable with paint and posting things. Have some ideas I'd like to run by you guys. I'm a paper and pencil type.
But here's a text idea. If you look at the pictures of my sump. You see it runs left to right. My thought is if I do a horizontal(I know, not as good as the vert.) running from right to left. Starting at about the baffle to the return section slanted to the left. Then the water can pass through the refugium afterwards back to the right to the return pump. It would be a screen 10"wide almost 24" long with a drop of 6-8". And figuring at 600+gph running over it.
03-26-2010, 10:26 PM
Where are the pics of your sump?
03-27-2010, 09:08 AM
They're on the first page.
Found a guy with a spare tank 35Lx16Tx10D. Hoping to get my hands on it.
03-27-2010, 03:21 PM
Ok start a new thread for your sump and start with bigger pics.
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